The photo of the 16-year-old who was brutally attacked by a group of minors is shocking – “He was covered in blood” – different

The photo-document with the 16-year-old, who was violently attacked by a group of minors on Sunday night (22/9) in Polichni, Thessaloniki, covered in blood, is chilling.

At photowhich was “pulled” minutes after the attack accepted by the minor and his 14-year-old girlfriend, the young man is full of blood on the left side of his head.

The six juvenile offenders were arrested and taken to Courthouse Thessaloniki and who were left released by order of the public prosecutor.

According to the Megathe 16-year-old had come from Ptolemais in order to see the 14-year-old with whom he maintains a relationship. At the sight of the pair, the group of six moved menacingly towards them, landing blows on them. In fact, one of the six, me iron bar in the hand, he was beating the 16-year-old in head and body.

“He was covered in blood”

Eyewitnesswho treated the minor, described on Wednesday morning (25/9) on Mega the horror scenes experienced by the two teenagers.

«when i came here I found 5-6 guys talking. I asked what’s going on, they said we’re talking. I went inside, in seconds the shutter slams, I say what happened, the girl was shouting “help”. The lad was in the bloods. I put him in the house, washed him, he was dizzy. I told him to call the Police, he said yes but without his parents knowing. He is from Ptolemaida. She was scared because she doesn’t live here. The girl was also in shock, she was shouting. They hit them with an iron, they were covered in blood. They were six at the beginning, then there were 20 people and they all left upstairs when I came outsaid the woman.
