The PNV takes its assembly to Donostia for the internal reset and also seeking an “agile and militancy organization”

The national assembly of the PNV has agreed this Sunday to bring to Donostia the conclave that will elect the new president of the Euzkadi Buru Batzar (EBB) and the new leadership and, above all, reset an organization that has not avoided wear and tear at the polls in the last electoral cycle. Without the continuity of Andoni Ortuzar being still clear, in office since 2013 and before that since 2008 leader of the most powerful local organization, that of Bizkaia, the party has already officially started the renewal process with this announcement. It will culminate on March 29 and 30 in the capital of Gipuzkoa.

Taking advantage of the Alderdi Eguna, the celebration of the party’s annual festival in Foronda, on the outskirts of Vitoria, the PNV has brought together its highest body between congresses, as planned. Ortuzar has communicated the calendar and procedure of the internal process. As always, it will be a double round. In the first, from January 20 to February 2, members will be able to propose in the batzokis a name to lead the EBB and six ‘burukides’ or leaders. The final composition of the national leadership will emerge from the second round. “Those people who have received the support of at least three municipal organizations will go to the second round. In this second round, which will be held from February 10 to 26, the membership will once again have the right to elect a candidate for the presidency of the EBB and eight burukides,” the formation emphasizes.

Then, from February 27 to March 26 there will be regional assemblies in each historical territory. From there will come the delegates who will go to the general assembly. These delegates have an “imperative vote”, that is, they must support the candidates supported by their respective bases. This complex process, exclusive to this training. It is what Ortuzar clings to in order not to answer the key question about its continuity. He insists that it is the bases that set the names and that no one can neither apply nor withdraw. It is not expected that in Alderdi Eguna’s speeches he will also refer to this issue, which has been latent internally since Iñigo Urkullu was dispensed with as Lehendakari and a generational replacement was opted for. The EBB, in fact, is essentially controlled by Urkullu’s contemporaries, such as Ortuzar himself or Joseba Aurrekoetxea or Koldo Mediavilla, among others.

The still president of the PNV has also reported that the internal reset, which at times has given refounding scope such as the first assembly or congress after the dictatorship (Pamplona, ​​1977) or the first after the split of EA (Zestoa, 1987), will play five political presentations. They are “Euskadi, nation in Europe”, “social justice”, “better, sustainable and peaceful world”, “links with Basque citizens” and a fifth internal document to achieve a “democratic, militancy and agile organization to respond to “the political and social challenges of Euskadi”. “The drafts of these documents, which will be prepared during the months of October and November in a participatory manner by teams made up of alderdikides (affiliates), will subsequently be approved by the EBB and sent for debate to the municipal organizations on December 9. March 10 will be the deadline for the presentation of resolution proposals and communications. And it will be within the framework of the general assembly, on March 29 and 30, when these documents will be definitively approved,” explained the PNV.

From now on, the five territorial areas of the PNV will decide whether to also activate the renewal process, also a double round. They could all or some of them and in parallel or not with the national process. In the case of those from the autonomous community, in Bizkaia, the strongest, there is a growing internal current critical of Itxaso Atutxa; in Álava José Antonio Suso has already said that he is not continuing; and in Gipuzkoa, except for a brief period, there has been no other leader than Joseba Egibar since the split.
