The police are also investigating, the scandal is huge: a group leader kicked out the leg of a child who cut off the ground in the adventure park – Video

The scandal in an adventure park in Szolnok is huge. One of the supervisors looking after the children brutally abused a child entrusted to him, who fell to the ground.


A Telex Szolnoki Városüzemeltetesi Kft. uploaded to its Facebook page video, which was made in the Szolnok Adventure Park operated by the city. According to the recorded footage, a group of children were waiting in the shadows when a man (one of the supervisors of the group) took one of the children by the arm, dragged him a few meters away, over a section covered with a record sheet, and then kicked the child’s leg with such force that the it hits the ground and remains lying down for several seconds until the end of the recording.

In the Facebook post, Szolnok Városüzemeltetesi Kft. writes that they welcome everyone, but they did not think that the visit of one of the rural teams would leave such a rough mark on them. “The behavior of the supervisor who came with the children is not acceptable under any circumstances. We condemn all forms of child abuse!” In the post, it is written that a police report has been filed, writes a lap.

András Hunor Lehel, press officer of the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Police Department, told MTI on Wednesday that the Szolnok Police Department is conducting an investigation into the suspicion of disorderly conduct against an unknown perpetrator. In view of the interests of the investigation, the police will not provide any other information, he added.

László Lits, the managing director of Szolnoki Városüzemeltetesi Kft., also told MTI by phone on Wednesday: in the second half of the past week, a group of children arrived at the most visited adventure park in the region, which is completely covered by cameras.

Thus, a recording was made of what happened, on which it is clear that an adult – as it turned out, one of the team’s supervisors – kicks a small child. He added: the recording also shows that the employee of the adventure park nearby did not see the incident, but sensed that something had happened, and some children were crying.
