The Presidential Cabinet is meeting! Here are the critical issues on the table

The Presidential Cabinet will meet today in Beştepe under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The main agenda item of the meeting will be about Israel’s attacks and increasing violence. The steps that Turkey will take in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s strategy of spreading the war to the region will be discussed. Attempts to put pressure on Israel in the international arena to ensure a ceasefire in Gaza and what can be done to achieve a two-state solution will be on the agenda.


Another issue at the cabinet meeting will be the consecutive murders of women. Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş will make a presentation. Steps to be taken to prevent violence against women will be discussed. In addition to the laws expected to be brought to the agenda of the parliament, the steps to be taken in the context of public order, security and social peace will also be evaluated in the cabinet.


Economy is also a topic that the cabinet constantly monitors. Additional measures to be taken to achieve the 40 percent inflation target and steps to be taken to increase the purchasing power of retirees and low-income people will be discussed in the cabinet.

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