THE PRIDE OF KARABURMA: The mural of our basketball player appeared on the facade of the school, the whole neighborhood was delighted! (PHOTO) – Lifestyle

A great mural dedicated to the Serbian national team player!

Nine meter high mural Vase Micićour great basketball player, appeared today on the wall of the elementary school “Jovan Cvijić” in Karaburma.

It is about the school in Danil Ilića Street that our bronze medalist attended and where he had big dreams and victories on the sports fields. At the same time, he never neglected his school duties, studies and education, and tried to be the best version of himself at every step.

PHOTO: Tamara Erdeljanov

In honor of those values ​​and the success that Vasa has achieved over the years, a mural was created, the work of artists Marija and Stevan Šoln, with the support of the adidas brand, covering an area of ​​100 square meters. Already at the first details on the wall, the enthusiasm of the entire neighborhood, where Micić grew up, was evident, and it is certain that it will become a symbol of this part of Belgrade.

Under the initiative of the school director, Valentina Panđaitan, the mural will permanently stand as a reminder of the unbreakable connection between Vasa and this educational institution, which has been located in Stara Karaburma since 1923, which makes it one of the oldest schools in our capital.

– At our school, we like to say: ‘Once at the “Jovan Cvijić” school, forever in our hearts.’ Vasa is the best example of that, because he never forgot us, even though many years have passed since he sat in our pews. We are still in close contact, we follow his matches and career, and we are among the first to congratulate him on his great successes. He, on the other hand, is always happy to visit us whenever he can. We have been planning this project for a long time, and there could not be a better opportunity for its realization. The artists did a great job, and adidas recognized the importance of the idea and made it a reality. The students are delighted, and these days we notice a crowd around the school because everyone wants to see the mural and that it inspires them to be like Vasa Micić. I am very happy about that, because that was exactly my goal when I started this initiative – sincerely points out the director of the school, who thanked all the city secretariats and institutions for their support in making the mural as efficiently and quickly as possible.

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PHOTO: Tamara Erdeljanov

The Šoln couple, Marija and Stevan, from the studio “Marija i Stevan Šoln Marg & Wunste,” contributed to the project by transferring a huge portrait to a nine-meter-high wall. Work on the mural lasted three days, and the drawing on the wall perfectly evoked the dynamism and energy that our famous playmaker brings to matches.

– To create a mural of these dimensions, three intensive days of work were needed, from dawn to dusk, in order for the sketch to fully come to life on the wall. Teamwork was key to the success of the project. In addition to Marija and me, I want to especially praise the school as the host. Their support was outstanding and they proved to be some of the best hosts we have worked with. The mural is dynamic and colorful and perfectly reflects the spirit of the children who attend this school. We used a combined technique of spray painting, which is ideal for realistic portraits, and facade paints, which are thicker and helped to cover parts of the wall in worse condition. On the first day, the most important thing was to accurately transfer the sketch to the wall using the grid technique, where we divided the wall into squares, and each square contained a part of the drawing. On the second day, the most exciting for the observers, we started painting. Facade colors were used for the background, while we used spray paint to bring Vasa’s silhouette and face to life. On the third day, we devoted ourselves to the final details and finishing, so that the mural would perfectly reflect the original sketch – explains Stevan.

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PHOTO: Tamara Erdeljanov

They accepted the project dedicated to you with special enthusiasm, because they think it is extremely important that people who represent a positive role model for children get their place on the mural.

– Vasa Micić is one of the favorite personalities in this region, not only because he attended this school, but also because of his basketball successes, which a large number of current students and children from this region aspire to. He is already a role model and a local symbol, who is extremely loved and appreciated by everyone. For me, this project was special because, in a way, Vasa brought me back to my childhood. I played basketball for seven years, just during elementary school, and those were the golden years of our basketball, when we won the most and when basketball players became real idols. Their behavior, their attitude towards sports, the nation and everything they achieved, inspired us and gave us the sense of importance that we were looking for while growing up. Team sports, especially basketball, have always nurtured the spirit of friendship, creating bonds that last a lifetime. That’s why I was especially glad that in these three days I returned to the past, twenty years ago, and felt that connection again through the work on the mural. As I watched the children passing by the mural, I recognized in them the same expectations of friendships, school basketball matches and idols, as we once had. – Marija honestly points out.
