According to new leak on X will be able to pre-order AMD’s Radeon RX 9070 on January 23. A screenshot shows some Asus-made RX 9070 cards that were prematurely listed at US retailer B&H, but have now been removed.
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B&H did not publish any price information or specifications on the cards. If pre-orders open on January 23rd, AMD is likely to unveil additional details within the next two weeks.
If the leak is correct, it will be possible to book the cards two weeks from the time of writing and exactly one week before Nvidia launches the Geforce RTX 5090 and 5080 cards.
The launch date for the Radeon RX 9070 cards is still unclear as the only information AMD has offered is that the cards will be released in the first quarter of the year. There is also uncertainty as to whether AMD plans to launch more models in the Radeon RX 9000 series. As it stands, the top models will be released first, while the rest of the range is likely to launch later in the year.
Looking forward to getting your hands on a Radeon RX 9070?