The Romanian Academy elected new members

The General Assembly of the Romanian Academy, meeting in the session of September 25, decided, by secret vote, the election of 8 members, including the doctor Irinel Popescu.

The academic forum elected new titular members: Constantin Zălinescu, Department of Mathematical Sciences, and Irinel PopescuMedical Sciences Section.

Also, Eugen Munteanu, Department of Philology and Literature, was elected a corresponding member.

Honorary members are: Gheorghe Postică (Republic of Moldova), Historical Sciences and Archeology Section, Nicolae Bârsan (Germany), Physical Sciences Section, Ruxandra Mihaela Botez (Canada), Technical Sciences Section, Martin HH Gerzabek (Austria), Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, and Avinoam Bezalel Safran (Switzerland), Medical Sciences Section.
