I am writing you this note to wake you up from the political illusion in which you are bathing. There is a rumor that the current president of Romania would run on one of the PNL lists for the Senate or the Chamber of Deputies.
Is it not enough for you how much you have lost in trust, in orientation, in performance under the influence of the former mayor of Sibiu? All opinion polls show you what our compatriots think about him and his mandates in Cotroceni.
Do you not realize what an electoral loss such a nomination will bring you? The fact that a large part of the population will take this as an insult to him is a shame. Political scene crowded with puppets, lovers and impostors, indebtedness of the country, economic decline and on the verge of military conflict. Aren’t you afraid?
He kicked us out of the US and the European Union, and leaves us with a parliament and a government scared by the antics of a cocoon in Brussels.
Wake up or the peasants will wink at you from the abyss!
Source: www.cotidianul.ro