The Russians are trying to change their history again: the friendship between Hitler and Stalin is being shaken

One group of Russian pseudo-historians is circulating on Facebook a messagewhich claims that there is no evidence of the friendship between A. Hitler and J. Stalin and there is no evidence that Nazi Germany and the USSR were allies.

The term “allies”, if it is not enshrined in a special international agreement that clearly defines mutual obligations, can be interpreted quite broadly.

For this reason, the dispute over whether the USSR and Nazi Germany were actually allies or “merely” collaborated is a mere formality.

The Cambridge Dictionary provides the following definition of “ally” definition: “a country that has formally agreed to give aid and support to another country, especially in time of war.”

Trade agreements, as well as the demarcation of borders, do not really allow us to talk about the existence of an alliance.

However, the mutual coordination of aggressive military actions is a perfectly sufficient basis for defining the entities involved as in fact allies.

Friendly military cooperation

The clearest example of such coordination is the essentially joint attack on Poland by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union and the partition of Central Europe in 1939.

In order to prove their peaceful intentions towards each other, Germany and the USSR signed the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact on August 23, 1939 and divided their spheres of influence.

A week later, German troops invaded Poland and World War II began.

The Soviet Union, on the basis of the same agreement, soon entered Poland from the east, occupied the Baltic countries and started a war with Finland.

“In the case of the territorial and political reorganization of the territories that make up the Polish state, the border of the spheres of interest of Germany and the USSR will approximately run along the line of the rivers Narew, Vistula and Sana.

The question of whether it is mutually beneficial to preserve an independent Polish state and what the borders of this state will be will finally become clear only in the course of further political development. In any case, the two governments will resolve this matter by amicable mutual agreement,” – stated in the non-aggression pact.

Read more: The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: J.Stalin hoped to outwit A.Hitler, but he deceived himself

The joint aggression of Germany and the USSR

in 1939 On the first of September, when the Nazi invasion of Poland began, the German side constantly insisted that the USSR join the war as soon as possible.

J. Stalin waited a little more than two weeks, and in 1939 September 17 The Red Army attacked Poland from the east.

Read more: The Soviet Union treacherously attacked Poland

In the official People’s Commissar of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union Vyacheslav Molotov the note provided the following explanation:

“The Polish-German war revealed the internal impotence of the Polish state. The Polish government has collapsed and shows no signs of life.

This means that the Polish state and its government effectively ceased to exist. Thus, the treaties concluded between the USSR and Poland ceased to be valid.

In view of this situation, the Soviet government issued an order to the High Command of the Red Army to order troops to cross the border and take the lives and property of the residents of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus under their protection.

At the same time, the Soviet government intends to take all measures to save the Polish people from the unfortunate war into which their unwise leaders have pushed them, and to give them the opportunity to lead a peaceful life.”

Some Polish historians in my opinionprecisely because of the intervention of the USSR, the defeat of the country became final and inevitable.

Before the Soviet invasion, the German army had not yet captured many of the major cities in the east, and this gave hope that Poland would retain its statehood, even though it had lost much of its land.

However, the appearance of the Red Army completely buried these plans. photo/Polish soldiers captured by the Soviets in 1939

15min verdict: lie. Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union jointly planned the partition of Poland (and many other countries) and coordinated military actions. And it can be described as in fact political and military union.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metawhich aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.
