The Sanchismo rag gang

“I’m the shit…there are things that I will never be able to say but I am very happy with what an uneducated human being is capable of and making companies and the government understand each other.” This is how I celebrated Koldothe former goalkeeper of the Rosalex hostess club in Pamplona, ​​the strongman who Santos Cerdan presented to Ábalos, the rescue with public funds of Globaliathe company of friends of Begoña Gómez lady of Sánchez. Thus, writing Hostia sin ache and kicking Spanish grammar. Let us remember that during his time as a landfill security officer, on the night of May 17, 1991, a neighbor complained that they were blocking the road and Koldo and his colleagues beat the poor complainant so badly that he ended up with several ribs and bones in his head. one of the poor man’s hands broken. The last blow, the one that almost finished him off, was given to him by Koldo, the “uneducated human being” but with a hand very given to going out and walking around other people’s bodies. That resulted in a firm sentence of two years, four months and one day in prison, of which he did not serve a single one because he was pardoned by the government of Aznar in 1996, which we already know that the People’s Party In the opposition it is the gift from heaven that God gave to the corrupt socialists in their different stages in power.

Mistreatment of spelling

Brag about being ignorant when you could enjoy quality public education It is an unmistakable sign of indignity, almost as much as the fact that a similar guy, a resident of the outskirts of society, could make a career in the court of Pedro Sánchez despite his background. The same shame of others produces the email sent by José Luis Ábalos a Delcy Rodriguez by profession her suitcases and strong woman of the Venezuelan drug dictatorship, in which in the course of just two paragraphs she commits up to 27 spelling mistakes.

Let’s look at a sample: “It will be a great pleasure for me to be able to discuss the possibilities that our two countries will have once rammed President Sánchez,” writes the alleged schoolteacher Ábalos. No one who respects himself can read that sentence without feeling the blood and embarrassment rush to his head. To attack, the RAE dictionary and our very rich Spanish language that does not deserve to be mistreated in that way by anyone, much less by one of the highest authorities of the state.

Wrote Thomas de Quinceyin one of the best-known paragraphs of his novel Of murder as one of the fine arts of which there is no doubt that José Luis Ábalos, the Rosalex goalkeeper, the prisoner Aldama and the pigeon will not have read a single line, that is if by chance they know of its existence, that “one begins by indulging in murder, soon he will not give importance to stealing, from theft he moves on to drinking and disregarding the day of the Lord, and it ends up lacking good manners and leaving things for the next day.” One would almost forgive the immense corruption that seems to emanate from this Government if it were at least accompanied by a exquisite evil or a lack of principles not exempt from culture and sophistication. I could even excuse it if it were accompanied by a correct use of our language, but as the Italians would say, “Lacks finesse”.

A sublevel in the highest spheres of power that embarrasses us all. Because in addition to being corrupt, in addition to the ignoble use of power, they give off a stench of shabbyness that sticks to all of us who suffer from it.

The protagonists of the plot are such uncouth individuals that they seem to have not left behind the hostess clubs so present in the biographies of many of them. People without the basic culture necessary to write four lines correctly or to speak Spanish without adding an S to the second person singular of the past perfect indicative of verbs, as Aldama did in his dirty talks with Commander Villalba of the Civil Guard. . “Me you said“, he explained, while the other answered that the thing was jodirilla. A sublevel in the highest spheres of power that embarrasses us all. Because in addition to being corrupt, in addition to the ignoble use of power, they give off a stench of shabbyness that sticks to all of us who suffer from it.

Without limits and without axes

We should have realized when ballot boxes were stuffed in favor of the then candidate Sánchez behind a curtain at the Ferraz headquarters, but the socialist militants preferred to ignore it, because power without ethics is better than opposition with lordship. Now we all pay the consequences of that such a one-eyed man would take power in this country of the blind. Without shame, without readings, without limits and without axes. With full-handed rudeness and with fingers dirty with the grease left by public money when its use cannot be justified. Someday, I am sure of it, we will manage to remove the entire gang from power, but they will not spare us on that difficult path back to public dignity even a painful minute of their baseness.
