The Sosoaca case. “These decisions must be taken by the electorate, not by the institutions”

The President of the UDMR, Kelemen Hunor, declared, on Sunday, regarding the annulment by the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) of Diana Şoşoacă’s candidacy, that the electorate should have decided and not the state institutions, and any person who was not criminally convicted would should have the right to run.

“I think that such decisions should be taken by the electorate and not by the institutions. Of course, I don’t know either the appeal or the reasoning of the Court, but from my point of view, if the person has not been criminally punished, regardless of who it is, which also means the restrictions regarding the right to be elected, then the electorate must decide, not the state institutions. For the rest, I cannot comment, because I have no way”, declared the UDMR leader in a press conference held in Arad.

Asked if the situation in which Şoşoacă finds himself could amplify this sovereignist trend that he represents, he answered: “I don’t know, people are angry, Şoşoacă’s electorate is sure that at this moment he is very angry, he is an electorate very attached to Mrs. We will see what Sosoacă will do, but I don’t think that at this moment there is a politician or political analyst who can say where those votes will go that can no longer be gathered by Diana Sosoacă”.

The president of UDMR also stated that he does not agree with Diana Şoşoacă “on any subject”.

CCR rejected his candidacy. Soșoăca, removed from the fight for Cotroceni
