The stealth video from Laila Bagge’s sofa shows: Angry carpenter

Laila Bagge51, has had an eventful summer to say the least.

It was in April that Laila went out on social media and announced that she and the ex-boyfriend Korosh Kananian34, parted ways after nine years together. As for the reason for the breakup, Laila chose not to enter.

READ MORE: Laila Bagge in grief: “Worse than I could have imagined”

Laila Bagge is single today. Image source: Syella Pictures

“Dear, want this to come directly from me, Me and Korosh have had 9 wonderful years together, now we are in a new phase, since some time we have decided to go our separate ways as friends,” she wrote when.

Laila and Korosh had tried to have children together but had finally landed on the decision that it was too late for Laila. She already has two children.

READ MORE: Laila Bagge and Korosh Kananian separate after nine years

But Laila Bagge is not the one who sits and hangs her lip. She saddled up and had a real hot girl summer where she partied with friends, enjoyed dinners out and simply enjoyed summer. A new found friend who is now also single is none other than Elin Härkönen and the profiles are seen having a lot of fun together.

Laila diligently updates her social media with everyday messages and this week she published something that looked like it would be hard – but also very fun.

Laila Bagge: “Anders Öfvergård”

As a single person, you have to take care of what needs to be done at home yourself. But this time Laila chose to ask for help. The person who had to help her was none other than the son Liam Pitts.

READ MORE: Laila Bagge’s sour dick to Bianca Ingrosso and Pernilla Wahlgren

But it didn’t all go as expected. Namely, Liam had turned into Anders Öfvergård in the role of angry carpenter so things quickly began to fall apart. What he would help with was plugging in his little brother’s Playstation.

“For those of you who miss Lailaland, I offer a little everyday glimpse into our everyday life here at home. I asked Liam for help connecting Kit’s playstation,” says Laila and continues.

READ MORE: That’s what Anders Öfvergård did when he disappeared from the TV screen

“It ends with Liam tearing both curtain rods, curtains and ripping the LAN cable plus my TV is completely dead! The fact that he also turns into the angry carpenter and makes it my fault is actually quite admirable,” she concludes.

READ MORE: Anders Öfvergård about Bianca Ingrosso’s visit to Baravara

We hope everything went well in the end!
