the story of the pensioner found in Como

The story of a 71-year-old man who went to the post office in Palermo, where he withdrew money, and then disappeared into thin air: he was found, in a confused state, in Como.

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On Tuesday 15 October a 71 year old man went to the Palermo post office. After taking the money, he left the Sicilian city. Nobody heard from him again. It was then found in Como a day later. He was in a state of confusion.

The pensioner allegedly withdrew several cash from the post office. Then he would disappear into thin air. However, no one filed a complaint: perhaps no relative had noticed what happened. After two days, on 16 October he was found in Como in a confused state. The carabinieri, who were engaged in a routine judicial police intervention, they noticed the elderly man disoriented and wandering on foot.

They thus approached him and identified him. They tried to understand what he was doing in Como. After the investigations, they tried to reconstruct his movements. They thus discovered that the day before he had gone to Palermo where he would go to the post office to collect. He would then leave without a destination or a valid reason. He was then tracked down in Como. As previously written, his relatives had not filed a complaint probably because they had not noticed the removal.

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After verifying that his health was good, he was taken to the emergency room in San Fermo della Battaglia where he waited for the arrival of a relative. The military found him with around 2,200 euros, a computer and a cell phone. All goods that will be returned to relatives.
