The Sun-Mars square brings destabilizing energies at the beginning of the week

You may experience frustrations, especially in close relationships, due to a Sun-Mars square that heightens tensions and draws attention to problems. Sudden urges and impulses can reflect inner restlessness. You argue with a partner or family member who sees things differently. You may be struggling with uncontrollable impulses, and whether you push them away or give in, it’s necessary to keep perspective. Life might be a little more chaotic than usual, but there are lessons to be learned, especially through others.

Today’s transits are destabilizing, but you learn about yourself through tension. However, watch out for impulsive moves. The Sun, in your sector of work, health and habits, faces Mars in your sector of communication and personal interests. This conflict can be internal or manifest through arguments, or a little of both. Avoid hasty decisions! The Venus-Uranus opposition has a gift for stirring things up. Try to differentiate between real desires and honest and simple whims.

Watch out for impulsiveness with today’s temperamental aspects. First, a Sun-Mars square produces a desire that comes on suddenly, and it may be better to wait and see if it passes before satisfying it. Vision is missing now. Your attention turns to resource limitations and ambitions (including money). Another possibility is that you feel that others are not treating you as you deserve.

With today’s transits, it’s very easy to want too much, too fast, but impatience will get in the way now. Your desire for stability collides with your need for more independence. With Mars in your sign conflicting the Sun, inner turmoil can be so obvious that others feel it, even if you try to hide it, contributing to the feeling that everyone around you is on edge. Family or loved ones may not see things the same way as you, and it’s best not to take anything personally, although this can be difficult. Another transit in play is the Venus-Uranus opposition, which brings unstable energies to your social life. You may not know if you want to be close to someone or prefer some space.

Complicated feelings will surface today. Anger or resentment that you have hidden or ignored may surface. With Venus opposing Uranus, it’s better to adapt to disruptions than fight them. Changes in the present can bring unmet needs to the surface. However, this transit brings feelings of restlessness, focusing more intensely on areas where you’ve felt stuck or restricted.

Today’s transits bring tension and unfulfilled desires. You may need to go through a little “rebirth” to break free. You feel that others interfere too much in your affairs or that it is difficult to focus on practical matters. There is a tendency to clash with others over issues that have frustrated you. Ideally, a certain competitiveness would stimulate you to do your best to get things done. Your pace may be hard to maintain with transits creating a sense of urgency today, but it’s important to try.

Haste and impatience tend to exacerbate or create problems today. You feel like you have to fight to get your needs met or to be listened to. Although you want to do everything now, it is important to measure your efforts. Be open to making positive changes and improvements and avoid sudden moves. The more innovative or unusual something is, the more it appeals to you! Your entrepreneurial spirit is strong right now, and it’s easy to get carried away with your possessions, money, or comfort. The key is to control your quick impulses and stay open to things that can work to your advantage.

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Tensions arise today if you feel constrained, have too much on your mind or succumb to the temptation to rush things. First, the Sun-Mars aspect creates an air of urgency, but obstacles are likely if you try to force things. This transit works behind the scenes in your chart, hiding the true source of your discontent. Try to take things one at a time, rather than exhausting yourself, and avoid overwhelming yourself. Simple arguments can quickly escalate into arguments. Later, the Venus-Uranus opposition involving your sign complicates matters. With Venus in your sign this time, you’re looking for closeness, but today, others are unavailable. Today’s transits remind you of the importance of developing your independence rather than allowing yourself to be at the mercy of other people’s moods.

Today’s energies tend to stir you up. It would be best to channel this energy into positive channels as you crave emotional stimulation. It’s a good idea to notice what brings you to the boiling point. Misunderstandings arise because of a subtle competitiveness. Changes in your schedule can be chaotic, but although today’s transits have an air of unpredictability, adjustments are necessary.

Relationships are dynamic and stimulating today, but also changeable. Others may compete for your attention, and this is disruptive. With Venus opposing Uranus, you find that you have less tolerance for situations that constrain or bore you today. This is not a good time to stubbornly stick to what is familiar. A good strategy for today’s frustrations would be to channel excess energy into something productive and worthy of your attention.

You have energy to spare today. However, if you don’t take an active role, transits can very easily backfire and you may find that you are impatient, that others are impulsive, or that people irritate you. Try not to rush. Today’s Sun-Mars square can generate restlessness. You can’t do everything, so try to dose your efforts. The Venus-Uranus opposition also reminds you of the need to change those parts of your life that have become too predictable. A progressive and innovative approach is necessary, but try not to go too far.

Restlessness leads you to seek instant gratification, so it’s better to identify the root cause of your dissatisfaction instead of giving in to a random or sudden desire. Your love life is exciting but tumultuous, like a roller coaster. Your judgment may be temporarily impaired, especially in financial and love matters, even if you feel quite confident about these things. Avoid taking risks, especially with money. Transits bring out strong and perhaps rebellious feelings.
