The TAS referee gave the verdict! The decision in the case of Sabrina Voinea, established in two ways!

Gymnast Sabrina Voinea has a good chance of getting back her bronze medal in the floor final at the Olympic Games, after she was fraudulently stripped of it, having been disqualified for allegedly stepping outside the competition mat.

Cristian Jura, the president of the Romanian Court of Sports Arbitration and one of the two Romanian arbitrators at TAS, presented the two possible options at this moment regarding the case of Sabrina Voinea.

The TAS arbitrator reveals when the decision will be given in the case of Sabrina Voinea

The head of the Romanian Court of Sports Arbitration and one of the two Romanian arbitrators at TAS claims that, at the moment, there are two options in the case of the tricolor gymnast. The first possibility would be to judge now, during the Olympics in Paris, and the verdict would be given by Sunday, and the second concerns a more in-depth analysis, with the hearing of several witnesses, and then the final decision will be made after a certain time .

“There are two scenarios, one is for them to judge inside the Olympics and by Sunday to make a decision. Or there is the option in which they consider that more witnesses, more information, the opinion of an expert to explain whether he stepped outside the mattress or more video evidence are needed.

Then there is the possibility to extend the case and be sent to the Regular Court of Lausanne, which will judge it on a longer term, without the pressure of time,” said Cristian Jura, according to

Photo source: Profimedia

I really want this problem to be solved, because I have worked very hard. I know I didn’t get off the carpet. I really want this medal, it is a hard earned medal – Sabrina Voinea

Mihai Covaliu is sure of a medal in the case of Sabrina Voinea. “We don’t know if it will be bronze or silver”

Mihai Covaliu, the president of COSR, met with Morinari Watanabe, the head of the International Gymnastics Federation, and he was extremely optimistic after the discussion with him that Sabrina Voinea’s grade will be increased after reanalysis of the floor exercise.

Moreover, Covaliu believes that, depending on how much our gymnast’s score will be supplemented, then she can even think about the silver medal at the 2024 Olympics.

“I had a meeting with the president of the FIG, we talked for about 40 minutes, Mr. Watanabe said that he will do everything possible and the regulations allow for the grade of our athlete to be the correct one. Furthermore, I also chose the legal way, I informed TAS about the created situation.

We have on our side video evidence, photographs that support what we are asking, namely that our athlete did not go outside the regulatory competition area, and that element that is said to have been executed in proportion to 80%, and that element which is said to have been correctly executed and the quotation must be given for the success of that element.

Thus, the mark will be modified and we don’t know if it will be bronze or silver, but we are sure that it will be an increase in the mark that our athlete obtained”, said Mihai Covaliu, according to

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A graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and Journalism, he began his career in print and online sports media two decades ago at the weekly Fanatik, where he did his apprenticeship and then gained experience in the field of sports and beyond. The “transfer” followed in 2008… read more
