The Three Musketeers – funny stories about work and money

The summer tour show will be played at the Haapsalu Cultural Center on July 23 at 7 p.m.

Every hard-working Estonian knows that if you work hard, love will come. Sometimes, however, the home-grown philosophy is torn, and when the principle of how work is paid no longer applies, the musketeer must take up the sword. Then the Estonian workaholic shouts as a French “One for all, all for one!” and a fight begins where sister does not know sister and brother does not know brother. Well-known actors tell us funny stories about work and the lack of it, earning and kicking what you deserve, and how to take money from fools – life issues that we encounter on a daily basis. Struggling for a job and a paycheck will make both a die-hard rail worker and a sleeper in the comfort zone laugh. The Three Musketeers is a hilarious crash course in coping with life presented by Marika Korolev, Henrik Normann and Marika Barabanshchikova.

Foto autor: Lisabeth Luigu
