The #TimeToBeMe campaign aims to give us that dash of courage we need to be ourselves and celebrates those who express themselves freely, regardless of norms

Do you know “that” coat? Much wanted and bought with enthusiasm, but sitting in the dressing room waiting to go out into the world, but the opportunity is never right for her? Or that moment, when we see an outfit on the Internet that delights us and makes our heart skip a beat, as if we would click to take it home, but then the annoying thought intervenes: “and where could I wear it?”. Well, the answer is: Anywhere. Anytime. Why not?

Life needs color and sparkle, and special occasions should not wait. They can be celebrated every day. That’s why fashion exists. #TimeToBeMe is the message Fashion Days this fall. The brand’s new image campaign encourages people to express themselves through fashion, as they feel, regardless of the moment. To create their own special occasions and wear the clothes that make them feel good, putting prejudices aside.

Fashion should not be limited to certain moments and contexts, he believes Andrei ChirilăFashion Days Marketing Director. That’s what it means #TimeToBeMe. It is the vision Fashion Days about how clothes are the first form of expression of personality and authenticity.

“We want to break down barriers and encourage everyone to be and dress exactly how they feel, regardless of context. That’s the message of our campaign and we think it complements perfectly with our mission to offer as wide a variety of products, at affordable prices”, says Andrei Chirilă.

We continue to talk with Andrei Chirilă about the communication platform #TimeToBeMehow people’s relationship with clothes has changed in recent years and what is the role of fashion in 2024, in the vision of Fashion Days.

The new Fashion Days image campaign

The fashion market in the region has become increasingly competitive in recent years, and this has attracted the interest of the world’s biggest retailers, who are present here in one form or another. And we, for our part, are in a continuous evolution as a business and, by diversifying the range of products, implementing new services and developing technology, we want to position ourselves as the first choice of consumers when it comes to fashion.

In order to achieve this goal, we need our communication projects to resonate as well as possible with the target audience and for this reason, the brief was based on many valuable insights, which we obtained with the help of a study of market across the entire category.

The message of Fashion Days

An important insight that we confirmed through the previously mentioned study is that fashion is a way to express our personality, but this tool of expression often becomes difficult for each individual to access for all kinds of reasons (fear of being too visible, vulnerable, judged, etc.).

We want to remove barriers (or prejudices) and encourage everyone to be and dress exactly how they feel, regardless of context. This is the message of our campaign and we believe it perfectly complements our mission to offer a wide variety of products at affordable prices.


We’ve all been through situations where we’ve hesitated to wear an outfit or a certain item of clothing because we didn’t think the perfect moment had arrived or maybe we were afraid we’d be judged.

Campania #TimeToBeMe aims to give us that dash of courage we need to be ourselves no matter the situation and celebrates those who express their personality freely, regardless of norms.

How people’s relationship with clothes has changed

Fashion is one of those categories that involve a lot of emotion, and shopping for clothes, shoes and accessories gives people a state of joy, good mood and relaxation. On the other hand, we live in a world where our time is increasingly limited and we want to spend as many moments as possible with family and loved ones.

We know that our audience is active and has a rather dynamic life, so in addition to the great diversity of products, we have developed in all areas that can help people save time in the most pleasant way: easy navigation through the application with the help of custom profile or filters, fast delivery and easy return. On top of these elements, we have also added the Genius membership, which further enhances the shopping experience through free delivery and exclusive offers. Thus, we try to cover the wishes and needs of our customers as best as possible and we are very motivated to innovate the fashion space in the region in the future.

Market challenges in 2024

The market has become increasingly competitive in recent years, with all the major retailers in the world present in the region, whether online or offline. People are faced with more and more options and sometimes it can be overwhelming, even for customers with extensive experience in the field. At the same time, we are going through an uncertain economic period, in which it is very difficult to make long-term plans. We believe it is very important to be flexible, to adapt quickly to macro-economic conditions and to meet customers according to their needs at that time.

The role of fashion in the vision of Fashion Days

Fashion no longer has only a functional role. Today, fashion is a reflection of our personality and can go a long way in boosting our self-confidence. Moreover, fashion can stimulate our creativity and help develop it. Life is becoming more and more complicated and people need moments of joy, of relaxation, and fashion can facilitate these moments.

At the same time, the industry also has a great responsibility on its shoulders – that of improving the area of ​​sustainability and this must come both from the manufacturers and retailers, who must optimize all the processes behind their activity, but also from the customers by their choices.


Fashion Days

Fulvia Olaru, Head of Brand Marketing Fashion Days
Andrei Chirilă, Marketing Director Fashion Days
Alexandra Bădiță, Social Media & Influencers Manager Fashion Days
Ariana Niculae, Copywriter Fashion Days
Ruxandra Olărașu, Head of Creative Labs Fashion Days
Roxana Neacșu, Social Media Executive Fashion Days
Mario Oprean, Videographer Fashion Days
Victoria Stancheva, Brand Marketing Manager Fashion Days Bulgaria
Aleksandra Tosheva, Copywriter Fashion Days Bulgaria
Ipek Ipanova, Brand Marketing Executive Fashion Days Bulgaria

Human Advertising & Human Production

Konstantin Trendafilov, Creative Director
Alexander Bratimirov, Creative Director
Petar Evtimov, Creative Lead
Stella Stoyanova, Art Director
Tanya Savova, Client Service Director
Monika Todorova, Account Manager
Dobriana Yordanova, Producer
Dimitar Dimitrov, Producer
Damian Dimitrov, Director & DOP
Anna Sabandzhieva, Styling
Alina Manova, Make-up
Milen Ivanov, Hair
Borislava Kadiyska, Production Designer
Zlatimir Arakliev, Photographer
Vitali Ezekiev, Music
Post-production: Twist

Despre Fashion Days

Fashion Days is the largest online fashion store in the region, with access to one of the most developed logistics networks: the largest warehouse in Central and Eastern Europe that operates entirely on green energy and a network of almost 4000 lockers that ensures the fastest delivery for its customers.
