The truth about fluff. What they contain and how they destroy the body

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The truth about fluff. What do they contain and how do they destroy the body? Pufflets are an extruded fluffy corn snack, which is part of the group of snacks made with corn flour, rice, wheat, or other grains. Unfortunately, even if they seem to be a healthy snack, the Romanian Consumer Protection Association draws attention to the dangerous ingredients they contain.

The Romanians’ favorite snack was discussed by the journalist Dragoș Pătraru. He cites medical reports that fatty acids produce overwhelming adverse effects on human health, such as heart disease. 38% of the analyzed products contain between 1 and 8 food additives.

How dangerous are the fluffs for the body

Photo source: Doctor of the Day archive

“The Romanian Consumer Protection Association tested 32 types of puffs and reached the following conclusions. 59% of the analyzed products contain a quantity greater than 5 grams of saturated fatty acids, such products are not recommended for children”, said the show presenter, Dragoș Pătraru.

Fatty acids produce overwhelming adverse health effects

“Give it away! It’s huge though. For something we give to children. 34% of the analyzed products contain iodized salt! 31% of the analyzed products contain between 2 grams of salt and 3 grams of salt per 100 grams of product!

Of course, performance athletes need more because they put in intense effort, they sweat, and you’ll certainly find idiots at every step who say you can put as much salt as you want in yourself”, commented Dragoș Pătraru, according to The thought.

22% of the analyzed products contain taste and aroma enhancers

Conclusion: The ingredients found in the puffs are the following: yeast extract, corn flour, potato flour, hydrogenated palm vegetable fat, sunflower oil, breadcrumbs, rice flour, palm oil, parsley, garlic powder, protein from milk, lactose, cheese powder, peanuts, white pepper extract, onion powder, cheese powder, yeast extract, semolina, yeast extract that contains glutamic acid or monosodium glutamate and is used to create salty flavors or.
Yeast extract can cause allergies and endocrine gland disorders.

“The puffs are one of the snacks most appreciated by children, but, unfortunately, very few parents are aware of the fact that there are assortments of puffs with a very high chemical load, consisting of taste and flavor enhancers, dyes, acidifiers, emulsifiers and flavors synthetic.

Puffels are hypercaloric products, with a high content of saturated fat and salt, a fact that does not recommend them to be part of the diet of children, pregnant women and those who suffer from cardiovascular, renal diseases and metabolic syndrome, said Univ. Conf. . Dr. Costel Stanciu, APC president, in 2017.
