The UCO gives the judge a USB with the evidence of its report on Delcygate and Air Europa |

The UCO provides the judge in the Koldo case with the evidence on which the latest case report is based. The Civil Guard has delivered this material in un USB sent to the National Court that completes the communication of October 8 which, among other aspects, reveals unpublished details of the furtive visit of Delcy Rodriguez to Spain or the intra-history of the rescue of Air Europa.

This is clear from a new document sent to Judge Ismael Moreno, and to which Vozpópuli has had access, in which the agents detail that they have delivered an electronic device with conversations of the leaders of the Koldo case, as well as documents and notes of interest. According to it, the content of this new source of evidence is structured by evidence and divided by subfolders.

The UCO recalls that this letter, within the framework of which they requested to investigate the role of José Luis Ábalos in the plot, was prepared as a result of the analysis of part of the conversations seized from the leaders of this alleged corruption case. Specifically, the agents address conversations of the achiever and epicenter of the plotVïctor de Aldama, as well as Koldo García.

The Koldo case conversations

In this way, the story is supported by this evidence that is alluded to in the footnotes of the document. This is especially relevant material since it reveals two episodes unrelated to this case of sale of masks (Delcygate and the rescue of Air Europa) and that affect the president of the GovernmentPedro Sánchez. From the analysis of these messages that are now provided to the court, it is clear that Aldama referred to Ábalos as “boss” and to the leader of the PSOE as “chief 1”.

In relation to Delcygate, Aldama’s messages show that Sánchez was warned that Delcy Rodríguez would come to Spain on January 20, 2020. The then ‘number three’ of the socialist formation conveyed this in a message to his personal phone, to which he responded with a brief “good.”

The content of the USB has been structured by evidence in different subfolders that contain extracts from conversations held through instant messaging applications, documents or notes of interest.

Aldama planned this trip that Vozpópuli brought to light, evidencing his “complicity” with Nicolás Maduro’s number two. In fact, he took advantage of his contacts with the highest levels of the Ministry of Transport to prepare a three-day visit that included private dinners (presumably with ministers of the Executive) and meetings with businessmen from his closest environment, such as Dino Dilanni, representative of Hard Felguera.

Such was the link between the two that a photograph of a contract signed with the man was found on Aldama’s device. National Development Fund of Venezuela (FONDEN) for the purchase of 104 gold bars for a value of 68 million dollars. This agreement would have been sealed in December 2019, that is, a month before her failed attempt to enter Spain, due to the ban on her from setting foot on European soil. Weeks after this episode, Aldama confessed to Delcy Rodríguez that Ábalos “had some very harsh words” with boss 1 (Sánchez) precisely for this matter, which leads the UCO to conclude that this trip was prepared by Aldama and Ábalos and that Sánchez only authorized it.

The other determining chapter that the conversations reveal is the rescue of Air Europa. From the messages analyzed, it is clear that since mid-July 2020, closed door meetingsin which the President of the Government or the then Minister of Economy Nadia Calviño participated to save the Los Hidalgo airline. Aldama – through Koldo – updated him on the details of the 475 million euro rescue, even congratulating him on the agreement in September. It is striking that it was not formalized until early November and that, in parallel to said meetings, Javier Hidalgo also met secretly with Begoña GómezSánchez’s wife.

Material pending analysis

As Vozpópuli reported, this is only part of all the material seized by the UCO in February. The agents have documents to study since they have not yet been able to analyze everything seized. It should be remembered that after the outbreak of the case, they arrested 14 people and carried out 26 searches, in which they seized more than 170 electronic devices. The agents searched rolex seven, gemstones, ferraris, porsches, weaponscash for more than 210,000 euros and also dozens of hard drives and pendrives. In this new report, the UCO states that they have “partially” analyzed the evidence in the summary, demonstrating that there are still elements to come to light.

Thus, in the absence of providing more official information, the Civil Guard delivers the evidence that was used to prepare this report. Although it contributes episodes that directly affect Pedro Sánchez, the agents put the focus on Ábalos for his alleged connection with the plot. For this reason, this letter served as the basis for requesting that the former socialist minister be investigated for his links with the accused. Pursuant to this letter, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office asked the investigator of the Koldo case to send a reasoned statement to the Supreme Court so that it could open a case against Ábalos, since he is qualified due to his status as a deputy.

Moreno is expected to respond in the coming days and decide whether to refer the entire cause to the high court. This is a request that the judge in the Koldo case could stop, given that this procedure also has other aspects, such as the Balearic and Canary Islands contracts, which are pending to be addressed. In addition, he has yet to respond to Iustitia Europa and Hazte Oír, which requested the opening of two separate pieces to investigate Delcygate or the rescue of Air Europa and also Liberum’s request to investigate whether Javier Hidalgo lied in his statement as a witness on last September 12.
