The universe has a special message for 4 zodiac signs on October 7, 2024

The universe has a special message for four zodiac signs on October 7, 2024:

1. Taurus

You have become proud of yourself this year, have confidence and know that you cannot be influenced. You’ve come a long way, and even though you know you’re not done yet, you feel good about how far you’ve come.

On October 7th, you will feel that you are ready to receive a message from the universe. We are made of stardust, which automatically gives you an understanding of how the universe speaks… when it does.

And when the universe sends you this special message, you’ll find that this message has to do with sticking to your original plan and trusting your instincts to know what’s right for you.

2. Virgo

You’ve always considered yourself a person who doesn’t fit in perfectly with the crowd. However, this does not bother you. You know yourself well, and when individualistic transits like the Moon opposite Saturn occur, your independence comes to the surface.

You’ll get a message that reminds you to be proud of who you are in your uniqueness, even if you’re sometimes anti-social and non-conformist. It’s okay to be the “misfit” even if you try to fit in in certain situations.

The Moon opposite Saturn reinforces this sense of pride and uniqueness within you. So, don’t worry about not fitting in. The truth is, that’s the way you like it and that’s the way it always will be.

3. Sagittarius

October 7th is coming full force, and that’s largely due to the idea that you’re finally starting to weigh things for their true value. During the transit Moon opposite Saturn, you will decide whether or not certain things in your life still have power over you, and if not… they will disappear.

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The day will show you that you are no longer a slave to your emotions. You’ve done the work to become emotionally strong, and with some examples coming up now, you’ll be able to recognize that they no longer have any value.

You don’t have to get attached to many of the problems in your life. During the Moon opposite Saturn, the message is to accept life “as it is” without trying to make a drama out of it. You are unique and full of spirit and you need to honor that.

4. Capricorn

Saturn transits tend to undermine you, and on October 7, during the Moon opposite Saturn, you will perceive what is happening “out there” in the universe. If there’s one particular message to take away, it’s to stay true to yourself and not let things get you down!

For you, things work out in such a way that you will be allowed to do something great with your life, but you will have to do it, otherwise you will not get any benefit. If you start to doubt your motives or actions, everything will fall apart.

Fortunately, you are very quick to make decisions. You can see a mistake before you make it, showing the universe that you’re thinking very hard about your next move. You will follow your heart and make the best decisions, which will result in a glorious day.
