The use of school phones will also be prohibited in Silicon Valley

In Hungary, starting from the 2024/25 school year, legislation stipulates that students in public education institutions may not use their smartphones in schools, or only to a limited extent. According to the opponents of the legal regulation, this is a clear setback for digital development – an answer to this argument has now arrived from overseas.

The governor of the state of California, Gavin Newsom, signed the law yesterday, which prohibits or restricts the use of smartphones in public educational institutions operating in the state. Similar to other regions and American states, the legislation was based on the proven fact that smartphone use can be harmful to mental health and impairs academic performance and results.

Together with California, the use of smartphones will be restricted in fifteen US states – the list has expanded quite quickly after the state of Florida opened the line last year.

Autumn mix from ghost jobs to harmful bootcamps

This time again, we covered several topics related to IT careers.

Autumn mix from ghost jobs to harmful bootcamps
This time again, we covered several topics related to IT careers.

In California, it was not possible to bring smartphones into schools everywhere: Los Angeles County already had a law to this effect, but the current regulation will cover all of the approximately 5.9 million students living in the state.

The restrictive measure introduced by the state is definitely interesting from the point of view that California is one of the leading American states in terms of the use of digital technologies, but at least in Silicon Valley, which is located in its territory, and in its catchment area, most of the large American technology multinationals operate, including Apple, headquarters of Qualcomm, Intel or Google.
