The village of Orava declared an EMERGENCY situation:…

The village of Zubrohlava in the Námestovo district declared a state of emergency due to a landslide after torrential rains.

There was a detachment of the bank of the first class road.

As the mayor of the village Lukáš Remeš confirmed for TASR, a structural engineer and a designer should arrive at the site on Tuesday.

They limited the speed

According to the mayor, traffic signs are currently placed in the section, there are narrowed road lanes and a limited speed limit.

“Stredoslovenská distribučná should remove the power line pole to prevent another part of the slope from being torn off and the pole falling onto the road. The work should start within the next week,” specified on Tuesday Remeš.

The municipality declared a state of emergency on Monday (July 15) at 11 a.m.

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Source: TASR
