The Volvo PV444 celebrates its 80th birthday

Volvo is celebrating a significant anniversary: ​​eighty years since the introduction of the key model “PV444”. It was the first small “Volvo”, but also the first model of this manufacturer with a self-supporting body

The Volvo “PV444” recently celebrated its eightieth anniversary since its launch. “Little Volvo” was the beginning and symbol of the new Volvo after the Second World War, and it also marked the beginning of the export of Volvo cars to America.

The Volvo PV444 celebrates its 80th birthday

Technological leader

While the Second World War was still raging in the rest of the world, on September 1, 1944, a Volvo car exhibition was organized in Stockholm, which was supposed to show what the then 18-year-old Swedish car company had achieved, as well as what customers could expect. when peace reigns.

Volvo production lineVolvo production line

Two new models were also presented: “PV60” and “PV444”. The “Volvo PV60” was actually a pre-war model, presented as early as 1940, but the start of World War II spoiled production plans. But the real star of the exhibition was the “little Volvo” – model “PV444” – that is, its prototype that was not in driving condition.

PV 444 production linePV 444 production line

During the exhibition and shortly after it, 2,300 pre-invoices for the new “PV444” were signed. However, the first finished car was presented only on February 3, 1947, and serial production began the following month. “Volvo PV444” was not only the first small “Volvo”. It was also the first model with a self-supporting body. The four-cylinder 1.4-liter engine with 40 horsepower was also completely new.

PV444 interiorPV444 interior

Export to America

When the “PV60” and “PV444” were introduced, Volvo’s exports were modest. But with the “PV444” model, Volvo established its historically most important export market – North America. The first examples were delivered to Los Angeles in August 1955, and the following year Volvo became the second imported car brand in California.


Initially, the production of 8,000 examples of the “PV444” model was planned, which was quite bold, as Volvo had never produced more than 2,000 cars before. But the “little Volvo” was a hit. Almost 200,000 copies were produced until 1958. Along with the modernized “PV544”, a total of 440,000 copies of this model were produced.

Volvo PV 444Volvo PV 444
