The Wall of Nobel Laureates has been completed, the creation of which was supported by the Hungarian government, Eszter Vitályos wrote in on his social page.
Hungary is proud of those Hungarians who achieve outstanding achievements. The Hungarian people are talented, and with their diligence they are rising to the forefront of the world in the field of science as well – the government spokesman drew attention.
Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz are role models for us: with their work and diligence, they have achieved a performance that serves all of humanity
– stressed Eszter Vitályos. He added: we are proud of them, their careers, their work and their achievements.
The Wall of Nobel laureates contributes to expressing this recognition, enhancing their reputation and making their personalities known to all Hungarians, as well as to foreigners visiting Hungary, he indicated. The finished work increases the visibility and attractiveness of Hungarian scientific life, Hungarian higher education and innovation, and at the same time strengthens young people’s interest in science and national identity, he added.