The winners of the literary prize in the field of medicine “Sanity” have been announced

Books about heart disease, rheumatology, traumatology, as well as the history of antidepressants and memoirs of a forensic expert were recognized as the best in 2024.

Science and life // Illustrations

On October 16, the organizers summed up the results of the literary award in the field of health and medicine «Healthy mind»the purpose of which is to promote medical practice, as well as popularize the basics of medicine and a healthy lifestyle among Russians. The founders of the award are the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Trust Technologies company and the Doctor TV channel.

The best medical books of the sixth season were:

· Nomination «Recipe for health»

“Listen to your heart. Cardiologist about the most common myths

diseases”author Tamaz Gagloshvili, AST publishing house.

Popular vote winners:

“Rheumatology on the shelves. Concomitant diseases, complications and

complicated cases”author Elena Vystavkina, BOMBORA publishing house.

“15 steps to mental and physical health. System

conscious life”author Daria Savelyeva, AST publishing house.

· Nomination «Step forward»

«History of antidepressants. Book One: Irreversible

non-selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors”author Dmitry Danilov, Publishing and Printing Association of Higher Educational Institutions, St. Petersburg.

Popular vote winners:

“An ugly story. How we lived, loved and were sick in different

era”author @asya.knows, BOMBORA publishing house.

“Hepatitis B. Familiar and unknown”author Sergey Batskikh,

publishing house «GEOTAR-Media».

· Nomination «Aesculapius»

“Be a Doctor”authors of the Doxstarclub Academy Galina Aksenova,

Anna Ivaeva, Faina Lobzhanidze and others, Komsomolskaya Pravda publishing house.

Popular vote winners:

“Traumatology and orthopedics: past and present”by Karen

Yeghiazaryan, Dmitry Ershov, Medical Information Agency publishing house.

“Live from the morgue. 30 difficult cases that went through a scalpel

forensic scientist“, author Michel Sapane, BOMBORA publishing house.

· In a special category “Best Book Idea” There were three winners: Marat Farrakhov with the idea of ​​a book about the most popular requests to a therapist And Svetlana Zvereva — about important aspects in everyday healthy lifestyle. They will have the opportunity to publish a book at the BOMBORA publishing house. A Kirill Feofanov with a book idea about the history of the creation and development of key medical equipment – in the MEDprof publishing house.

In 2024, the Sanity Awards will be held for the sixth time, with more than 200 applications submitted for this season. Experts assessed participants for compliance with the position, principles of evidence-based medicine, goals and ideology of the award, and also took into account the relevance of the books for a wide audience. Based on the results of comments regarding each of the applications, a long list was formed, which was submitted to the next stage – popular voting.

In the popular vote, which lasted from July 22 to September 22, 2024, About 16,000 people took part. Traditionally, the largest category among applications was publications about psychology and mental health, as well as books about proper nutrition. In addition, interest in the work of forensic experts and cardiologists continues. According to the results of the popular vote, there was a shortlist has been formed. All books shortlisted became winners of the popular vote, and it was from these that the professional jury determined the laureates in each category. The award will take place at a ceremony on October 31, 2024 in Moscow.

You can learn more about the Sanity literary award on the official website:
