Then you should not use the code in the BankID app: “Important to…”

In 2023, a whopping 7.1 billion identifications and signatures were completed with the BankID digital service.

In Sweden, it is also estimated that 99.4 percent of people registered in Sweden, aged 18-67, had a BankID on some device.

In other words, the service is important for the vast majority of people to manage everything from personal finances to login.

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BankID’s warning text – to protect you

But over time, it has also become an increasingly common approach for fraudsters to exploit. By pretending to represent banks, companies and authorities, fraudsters use BankID to defraud private individuals of money.

This has led to the addition of a warning text in the mobile app which reads:

“Protect your BankID. Never use BankID at the request of someone who contacts you”.

READ MORE: BankID’s change – to stop fraud

BankID: “We do not make direct recommendations”

Part of the security towards you lies in your choice to sign or identify yourself. One way is to use a personal code. An easier approach is to use facial recognition, also known as FaceID.

The function is available for all those who have an iPhone. The equivalent facial recognition for those of you who instead have an Android phone is to use fingerprints.

In an interview with News24 explains BankID’s press officer, Charlotte Pataky that if the bank requires a personal code, it is always safest to use this, especially for larger transactions.

And although BankID themselves do not make recommendations for what you should use, there are times when one is more common than the other.

– We do not give direct recommendations, the bank, the company or the authority must decide that for themselves. But you can almost always identify yourself with FaceID if you have an iPhone and fingerprint if you have an Android and more often with a code when signing or signing, she tells Nyheter24.

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Charlotte Pataky. Photo: Press image BankID

BankID: Then you should use FaceID

But how secure are these two features compared to using a personal number code?

According to Pataky, there are no major risks in using facial recognition or fingerprints. But instead there are other things you should keep in mind.

– It is always important to carefully read where you identify yourself and what you sign. It is usually always a personal code that applies to transactions with the bank, she says and adds:

– When you’re sitting in a public environment, however, it’s good to use FaceID as you don’t have to show a code.

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