There are beautiful pots of chrysanthemums available on the market. Many people throw them away after flowering – this is a mistake

Chrysanthemum breeders have created beautiful, compact, low-growing bushes that can be preserved for the winter. Some simply throw away faded flowers, because earlier, when these beautiful pots with chrysanthemums first appeared on the market, they were treated with special preparations that slowed down growth.

If the plant was preserved over the winter, the following year it would no longer be so compact and beautiful, but would grow tall and unattractive.

When the chrysanthemum in the pot has finished blooming, it is cut low – almost to the ground. It is a mistake to leave the plant for the winter with all the shoots, because they still seem green and lush. But you should not feel sorry for them, because next year the chrysanthemum will bloom on new shoots anyway. If you leave the green mass, mold will develop in it from the cold and moisture, rotting will begin, and then the plant will die.

Therefore, a basement that is damp and moldy is not suitable for storing the plant for the winter. It is best to keep the trimmed plant together with the pot in a greenhouse for the winter.

The pot is buried in the soil, and several spruce branches are placed on top. If severe frosts are approaching, several layers of agronet can be added.

In spring, it is recommended to transplant this plant from the pot to the garden or to a larger pot. You can also divide the bush and get two or three plants.

However, in practice it has been proven that these chrysanthemums take root best if they are transplanted into a flower bed, where they turn into a real sea of ​​flowers. Thus, every autumn you can buy a beautiful pot to decorate the windowsill, which will then become a decoration of the garden for many years.

But it is worth considering that at home it is unlikely that you will be able to grow such beautiful bushes in pots, as professionals do in greenhouses. This requires special fertilizer and humidity conditions.

For your information!

For open ground, the most suitable are early and mid-early varieties of chrysanthemums:

‘Alba’ – low, with white flowers.

‘Ausma’ – with yellow flowers.

‘Beacon’ – medium-sized, with orange pom-pom flowers.

‘Beločka’ – low, with white flowers.

‘Danielle’ – medium height, with pinkish-orange flowers.

‘Diana’ – low, with red flowers.

‘Daisy Red’ – low, with dark red flowers.

‘Ellen’ – medium height, with white flowers.

‘Fairie’ – low growing, with purple-pink pom-pom flowers.

‘Heidi’ – medium height, with white flowers.

‘Lemūnija’ – low, with orange flowers.

‘Pinochio’ – medium height, with yellow flowers.

‘Poltavskij suveņir’ – medium height, with orange flowers.

‘Tip Top’ – medium height, with dark pink flowers.

‘Umka’ – medium height, with white hemispherical flowers.

‘Zernica’ – low, with dark red pompom flowers.

‘Zlata’ – medium height, with golden-yellow flowers.

‘Zvezdopad’ – low, with red-violet flowers.
