These manufacturers make playful smartphones

Smartphones have all started to look the same, but a breath of fresh air is blowing through the Android landscape. These manufacturers are making playful Android devices.

Playful smartphones are back and that’s good news

Let’s face it: most smartphones look the same. Since bezels have become almost invisible, most devices are made of a flat piece of glass with some variation in the ‘islands’ on the back for the camera lenses.

Sure, we now have foldable phones that shake things up a bit, but even with these devices, manufacturers are trying to create as minimalist and business-like a design as possible.

That is a big difference with phones from the past, when every manufacturer still had its own identity and dared to experiment with design. Of course, that all has to do with optimizing the amount of sales, because with a design without a face you appeal to the largest possible group.


Nothing has now started a new trend to show that it can be done differently. Because although the front of every new smartphone looks the same, there is still plenty of room for playfulness on the back.

There is a lot going on at the back of the Nothing Phone, Nothing Phone (2) and Nothing Phone (2a). There are all sorts of round shapes visible, but the lights are particularly striking. These not only give the devices a very unique look, but are also useful. They light up when notifications are received.

Also check out our review of the Nothing Phone (2a).


HMD is now standing out with the HMD Barbie, a bright pink flip phone in which Ken is pre-programmed. Yet that is not a smartphone. More interesting is the brand new HMD Fusion. This modular device is not only easy to repair, but you can also put on different ‘outfits’.

For example, you can choose a Flashy Outfit, with which you can ringlight adds. With the Wireless Charging Outfit you can suddenly charge the device wirelessly. Another nice thing is that anyone with a 3D printer can make their own outfits with the tools from HMD.

It reminds me a bit of LG introducing the Friends at the time of the G5, where you could connect all kinds of accessories by pulling off the bottom of the smartphone. With the HMD Fusion, the outfits are more part of the device itself and you don’t pay the main price.

HMD Fusion officially unveiled


RedMagic also tries to have its own face on the smartphone market, such as the gaming smartphone RedMagic 9 or the newer 9S Pro. The front is a flat piece of glass, but the back looks like it came straight out of a cool science fiction game. Especially fun are the special, super-money Transformers editions.


However, the importance of a nicely designed back of a smartphone is also limited, as most people express their personality with the case they use to protect their expensive smartphone.

What do you prefer? A playful smartphone, or a nice case? Let us know in the comments!
