These products should not be eaten for breakfast

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These products should not be eaten for breakfast. They can hamper metabolism and cause health problems.

Experts say that not only age is involved in slowing metabolism

Our metabolism slows down due to loss of muscle mass, poor diet or other lifestyle changes as we age. Experts say that not only age is involved in slowing metabolism. Nutrition is equally important in this process. Specifically, certain foods that we commonly eat every day, especially for breakfast. Plus, there are plenty of ways to keep your metabolism active regardless of age. Website Shefinds offers advice on how to improve our metabolism and the foods that people no longer look for in their diet after a certain age.

These products should not be eaten for breakfast

A great way to keep our metabolism active as we age is to eat a balanced, nutritious meal at the start of each day. When we want to stop the natural stimulation of the metabolism, certain foods should be avoided.

Nutritionists say we should ditch high-sugar, high-carb breakfast foods after age 40 if we don’t want to put our metabolism at risk.

Before being released into the bloodstream, carbohydrates are digested as sugar. Their impact on blood sugar ranks carbohydrates using a system called the glycemic index. Simple carbohydrates such as glucose and fructose are broken down by the system and trigger rapid spikes in blood sugar.

Muffins and other pastries

Doctors from Shefinds warns that foods that are high in carbohydrates but not high in fat and protein, such as store-bought pastries. Delicious muffins or croissants are examples, but any combination of refined wheat and sugar puts our metabolism at risk.

Foods high in sugar and carbohydrates are not only caused by the thermic effect of food (TEF). Doctor Melinda Rayle says:

“Such foods make us hungry again within hours because of the blood sugar swings that occur when the body processes carbohydrates and sugar.”

This means that we will need more food throughout the day, which will lead to weight gain.

Dairy cereals

A high-carb diet can affect your metabolism and overall health.

Breakfast may include other foods. A bowl of sugary cereal is high in carbs. Once again, we can say that it can affect the metabolism. Rayle adds, “A breakfast of cereal and skim milk will do nothing but set you up for an insulin spike and blood sugar spike after just a few hours.”

What foods should we eat every morning to improve our metabolism? Experts say women over 40 should eat protein, fat and carbohydrates (with fiber). Eggs and toast are a great example. Another option is to put turkey sausage on a slice of whole grain bread.
