Thessaloniki: Vandalized offices and a school with fascist symbols – The announcement of the KKE

Neo-Nazis wrote slogans with fascist symbols outside the KNE offices in Neapoli, Thessaloniki, while not even the local High School was spared from their wrath.

As reports, this is the second time in seven months that neo-Nazis have vandalized the KNE offices in Neapolis.

As in the previous March, so now, they painted the walls with neo-Nazi symbols, while they did not fail to write the Nazi greeting “Heil Hitler”.

The perpetrators also vandalized the wall of the 2nd Neapolis High School, while “signing” as Nationalist Youth of Thessaloniki. Police were called to the scene and are investigating the incident.

The announcement of the KKE

The KKE denounces the vandalism of the facade of its offices in Neapolis, with the inscription of Nazi slogans and the design of swastikas.

“The attack occurred a few days before the commemoration event in honor of Tasos Maglaridis, a fighter of the National Resistance and member of the KKE, on October 28, 1980, by police-organs of the then ND government, who blocked a parade of EA fighters. The attack on our offices follows similar actions in the Neapolis area against the KKE and other popular organizations and bodies, with which of course the police do not deal,” states a statement from the KKE’s Base Party Organization (KOB) Neapolis.

“The people of Neapolis are called to condemn these provocations and strengthen their action to isolate the Nazi nostalgics”, by participating in the event in honor of Tasos Maglaridis, on Sunday October 20, 11.00 am, at the Neapolis town hall.
