Apple is a big company, so it’s not surprising that some of its departments don’t communicate well with each other. There is no other way to explain that the same function works differently in iOS and macOS.
If you use a Mac, then you’ve definitely noticed: most of the “notifications” are in the upper right corner stay there foreveruntil you click on them. The best thing is when a lot of them start to arrive, and it all starts to overlap the working area of the screen.
Yes, unlike iOS, macOS by default leaves almost all notifications from applications on the screen until you do something with them yourself – either click or close via the pop-up “cross”. This is due to different default settings in these systems.
Now I’ll tell you how to fix it, it’s not complicated.
How to make macOS notifications disappear after a while
By default, app notifications on macOS are displayed in the format Warnings. Once translated into understandable language, this means that such notifications will require interaction from the user and will not disappear from the screen.
In iOS, this is done differently: with rare exceptions, notification banners are shown for a few seconds and then hidden. This is much more convenient and more respectful to the user. This is how we will configure them further on Macs:
1. Open System Settings and in the right list scroll to the item Notifications.
2. Scroll down the left window until you reach the list of programs installed on your Mac. Click on any of the programs whose notifications you want to hide automatically.
3. In the menu that opens, instead of the option Warnings select Banners. Or turn off all notifications from this program entirely by turning off the toggle switch Allowing notifications.
Notification option Banners Similar to how notifications appear in iOS by default: they stay on the screen for a few seconds, then automatically hide.
The next step would be to go through the entire list and turn off notifications from all programs and sources that you don’t need. And also acquire a good habit initially do not allow notifications from any applications, with the exception of instant messengers – I act this way myself and advise everyone.