“They engage in politics and many former prosecutors are in Parliament today”

Matteo Salvini goes on the attack judges on the case migrants in Albania during the interview with Nicola Porro on “Quarta Repubblica”. During the episode we touched on the topic of the conflict between the Government and the judiciary, triggered by the decision not to transfer 12 migrants to Albanian reception centres. Minister Matteo Salvini points the finger at the judiciary, accused of interfering in politics, reiterating that security must be a united political priority.

Matteo Salvini, criticism of judges on migrants in Albania

Matteo Salvini he relies on mathematics and probabilities to support his thoughts on judges and politics. “It seems clear to me that out of 9,300 there are some judges who are involved in politics” he states, then mentioning names and surnames.

“Dr. Albano is a politician, if I didn’t know it I could have mistaken her for a parliamentarian from the Communist Rifondazione or the Democratic Party” declared Salvini, referring to the case of 12 migrants in Albania. “They rejected hundreds of expulsion requests made by other institutions.”

“The no to political asylum is not given by Salvini, but by the prefect” adds the minister. “In Spain, where the idol of the left Sanchez governs, they shoot, they have high walls. Here, instead of applying the law, the judiciary dismantles it. And traffickers and smugglers are celebrating.”

“It’s right that politics is divided on something else, but it must unite on security” claims Salvini. “The 12 who returned from Albania to Italy are free to leave today, they are in Bari. If one of these 12 mugs, rapes, robs or kills in the next few days… who pays? Who will have his actions on his conscience?”

The clash between the judiciary and the government

The conflictual situation between a part of the judiciary and the government is no mystery, highlighted by the now famous email from a judge against Meloni, described as worse than Berlusconi. The Government responded by drafting a decree to get judges to recognize certain states as “safe”.

“There is a law approved in the Council of Ministers, by the government chosen by the Italians, if there are rulings against it it means that there are those who are playing politics among the judges” says Salvini. “Today there are former judges in Parliament with the Pd and M5s, if you have to get involved in politics, take off your robe”.

The case of Verona

Salvini also mentions the episode in Verona, in which a railway police officer shot a man young of the Mali during an attack.

“No one celebrates the death of a human being, but if you go around hitting people with bottles or try to attack an officer, you have no right to be here” clarifies Salvini.

“Whose problem is the policeman who kills him? About the policeman, about Salvini or about the fact that he shouldn’t be here? If you don’t bother, you don’t risk it, because in Italy we don’t have agents who go around shooting people.”

migrants from Albania salvini judges

Photo source: ANSA

Source: notizie.virgilio.it