This blood type predisposes to serious diseases

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Blood consists of red and white blood cells as well as platelets. Each person has a specific blood group – A, B, BAB or O, which is determined by the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells and antibodies in the plasma.

In Romania, 33% of the population has group 0, 43% group A, 16% group B and 8% group AB. Depending on the group you have, you are more likely to develop certain diseases over time.

Thus, numerous studies have demonstrated over time that blood type influences the risk of certain diseases during life, including stroke and heart disease.

The blood group that predisposes to most diseases

According to doctor Alexander Myasnikov, a person’s health characteristics and life expectancy are largely determined by his blood type.

As an example, the expert said that people with the first blood group are less susceptible to viral infections. Stomach cancer is common in people with the second blood type, and pancreatic cancer in people with the third and fourth blood types.

“A person’s susceptibility to bacteria and viruses depending on his blood type has been proven for a long time. For example, noroviruses and rotaviruses more often affect patients from the first and second groups,” warns the doctor.

In fact, Harvard scientists discovered that people with the fourth blood group and a negative Rhesus factor are more susceptible to serious diseases than others. This blood group is considered one of the rarest and occurs in 8% of the planet’s population.

Researchers have found that this category of people is at increased risk of developing dementia, strokes and problems with cognitive function. They are 82% more likely to have a stroke and generally have a weakened immune system, reports The Health Site.

Also, according to experts, women with the fourth negative group are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer.

photo source: Doctor of the Day archive

The relationship between blood group and diseases

Researchers from the Karolinska Institute (Sweden) found that blood type II increases the risk of developing stomach cancer by 20%. At the same time, patients with blood group I demonstrate a lower resistance to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis and gastric ulcers. People with blood type O live the longest.

People with blood group IV have the highest risk of developing age-related cognitive disorders: according to the results of a study, the presence of this blood group increases the risk of this disease by 82%.

Scientists put this down to the fact that people with type IV blood tend to have higher levels of a special type of protein that affects clotting – and plays an important role in the development of age-related dementia.

But factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes and smoking have a much stronger influence on the risk of developing the disease. People with this blood type are at the highest risk of getting all kinds of diseases. But scientists add that lifestyle is decisive, although blood type is a predisposing factor.

According to the researchers, people with blood group I are the most protected from the occurrence of a stroke: their risk is only 9%.

Experts still cannot explain what this pattern is due to, but they remind that after 40 it is important to control your blood pressure and, if possible, give up smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Disease risk based on blood type is difficult to assess, the publication also says, although people with the fourth blood type are at a disadvantage compared to others.
