This device in your car could cost you a lot of money and make you regret

If this device is present in your car, you risk a heavy fine if checked by the police.

Certain devices and devices are prohibited in a car. This is particularly the case jammers and radar detectorsthe use of which is severely punished.

Possession of a radar jammer in your car is severely punished

In France, the use of radar jammers is prohibited by law. These devices, designed to disrupt the waves of road traffic control radarsmake it impossible to measure vehicle speed. According to article R413-15 of Traffic Laws : “The fact of possessing or transporting a device, device or product of a nature or presented as being of a nature to detect the presence or disrupt the functioning of devices, instruments or systems used to detect infringements of legislation or regulations of road traffic or to allow one to evade the detection of the said offenses is punishable by the fine provided for contraventions of the fifth class.

Note that, even if you do not use it, the mere fact of possessing such a device is reprehensible. It will of course be confiscated. Likewise, if the device is attached to your car, it can also be seized.

Violators risk a fine of 1,500 euros, which can double in the event of a repeat offense. They can also receive a driving license suspension of up to three years. As a bonus, they can lose two points on their license.

The waves emitted by jammers are harmful to road safety

The authorities justify these sanctions by the serious problems that these devices can cause. In addition to distorting speed camera readings, these gadgets can interfere with essential communications systems. For example, they can act on GPS signals used by emergency services or airplanes. The National Frequency Agency (ANFR) regularly warns of these risks. They point out that GPS jammers are also prohibited and that they can compromise certain infrastructure.

The fight against radar jammers also aims to strengthen road safety on French territory. Indeed, drivers using this type of device could be tempted to drive at overspeed on their route. And at the warning of a radar, he would screech just before being flashed, thus surprising other road users and thus increasing the risk of serious accidents. This could be due to loss of control of your vehicle, for example, when applying the brakes.

Why then can applications like Waze, among others, report speed cameras? Well unlike other devices, they do not emit waves which can disrupt the value measured by radar devices. In addition, they do not precisely locate the position of the radar. Driving assistance applications therefore make it possible to indicate the position of fixed speed cameras and danger zones, while respecting the legislation.
