This electric car wants to be injected with gasoline!

An electric Chevrolet Blazer surprises its driver with a “low fuel” warning… Discover this rather funny story.

A Chevrolet Blazeran electric car produced since 2023, has had a very strange request next to her driver. Would she no longer be satisfied with electricity?

An electric vehicle requires refueling

Alex Dykes got a strange surprise when he rented an electric Chevrolet Blazer. His dashboard screen told him an unusual alert on this model: “Low Fuel”. To put it simply, it indicates that the fuel level vehicle’s fuel level is starting to get low. This is common for combustion engine vehicles. But it’s not really the case for electric cars that don’t need fuel, whether diesel or gasoline. In addition to this alert, his screen even offered him to take it to the nearest gas station to refuel.

The individual who rented this vehicle did not hesitate to share this incongruous message on social networks, on his professional Facebook page and your YouTube channel. And contrary to what one might think, the level of battery charge was not low! The vehicle battery was still charged at 80% when the fuel message is displayed.

photo credit: GoodFon (radjah) Some notifications on your vehicle’s dashboard screen may be disruptive.

Alex also explained to our colleagues thatInsideEVsthat the Chevrolet Blazer had been on the road for about an hour. During that time, he discovered multiple notifications on the screen, which were, all in all, quite trivial. But the low fuel notification did disturbed at the highest point.

A common bug in many electric cars

In the end, we have the end of the story thanks to a Chevrolet spokeswoman who spoke to InsideEVs. He explained that several software programs are standardized on their vehicles, whether thermal or electric. This bug occurred because ofa signal sent by mistake. The correction This notification will be deployed in a future software update. This is not the first time that messages of this type have been mistakenly displayed on the dashboards of electric vehicles. Some have found reminder messages of engine oil change For example.

Fortunately, this bug did not have any serious consequences on the vehicle. The driver simply must not be tempted to inject fuel into the electric tank! No one doubts that this little incident, in addition to making you smile, will make you pay more attention to certain details on the dashboard of your car.
