“This has happened to me because I didn’t want to sleep with someone”

Rafael Amargo has reappeared on television and has collected several bills. The dancer has dropped several bombshells that made clear his frustration with the current panorama of his professional and personal life. in the program Fiesta of Telecinco, and after having been acquitted in May of a crime against public health, Amargo did not mince words when describing his situation in Spain: “They don’t even want me as a collaborator.”

Now he is starting from scratch in Argentina, a place where he assures that the scandal has not had the same impact. Furthermore, his marriage to Luciana Bongianino, also detained with him in 2020, has been part of this new chapter in his life.

He can’t stand Cano’s loneliness with him

The interview was not limited to personal details. Amargo couldn’t help but launch harsh criticisms at public figures like Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz, but he also suggested that the real reason behind his trial was much darker: “This was because I didn’t want to sleep with someone,” he hinted.

The dancer also expressed his disappointment with some friends from the past who were not by his side when everything got complicated. Nacho Cano was one of those identified, especially after the musician’s recent accusation for alleged crimes against migrant workers in his musical Malinche.

The Granada dancer has regretted that no one relevant has spoken well of him

Ricardo Rubio – Europa Press / Europa Press

Amargo recalled how Cano did not invite him to the premiere of a work in which he himself had collaborated: “He did not invite me to the premiere of something that I have done,” he commented with obvious annoyance because he understood it as a lack of solidarity at a time. in which I needed support.

He also highlighted the support that Cano has received from important figures such as Isabel Díaz Ayuso and Federico Jiménez Losantos, something that he never experienced. “No one has defended me,” he lamented, justifying the resentment he has accumulated against his still friend: “Nothing happens, I later gave him a hug and helped him.”

The topic of Justice was also part of his relief, comparing his own experience with that of Cándido Conde-Pumpido, son of the president of the Constitutional Court. “Justice is not the same for everyone. I have been waiting three years for a trial and Candidito Conde-Pumpido for eleven days,” he denounced. This difference in procedural times made clear his discontent with the judicial system, which he accuses of being unfair to him.

Source: www.lavanguardia.com