This is how Windows 10 and Windows 11 protect you from a dangerous threat

The security of Windows 10 improved a lot over the years, and these improvements were successfully implemented in Windows 11. The result has been so positive that, thanks to the advances that Microsoft has made in this regard, today it is possible use both operating systems without having to resort to a third-party antivirus solution.

Both Windows 10 and Windows 11 come with a very lightweight and efficient integrated security solution, Microsoft Defender, which is perfectly functional and quite effective, both when it comes to preventing and stopping malware attacks and when it comes to solving the problem when we have already been infected.

With Microsoft Defender we can rest assured that we will not have any serious security problems if we do minimally sensible use of our team. This platform is also very complete, since it has different options and tools focused on improving security, among which the offline analysis stands out, which will help us eliminate even the most difficult viruses.

This platform also has advanced security features that help us protect ourselves from one of the most serious threats that currently exist, los keyloggers. This type of malware is a classic that has been around for many years in the PC world, and it is one of the most dangerous because it can be used to steal important information, such as access data to bank accounts and passwords, by recording keystrokes. .

How Windows 10 and Windows 11 protect us against keyloggers

Microsoft has dedicated an article to explain how security has improved in both operating systems to deal with this type of threats, and it is very interesting, because it allows us to better understand how the whole process works protection that is put in place to prevent this malware from affecting us.

The first protection measure begins with booting the PC. Windows uses «Secure Boot» (secure boot), «Trusted Boot» (trusted boot) and «Measured Boot» (measured boot) to verify that all key elements such as the firmware, kernel, bootloader, drivers and anti-malware software are OK, working as intended and have not been tampered with.

With this measure, an important layer of security is already applied, which is then reinforced with the launch of Microsoft Defender Antivirus. This carries out a process of multi-engine detection to block any possible malware. If the virus resists and goes on to attack, tamper protection comes into play, which serves to prevent malware from disabling antivirus software.

Lastly we have Microsoft Defender SmartScreena very useful function, since it prevents malware from being downloaded, and it works even if we have disabled real-time scanning in Microsoft Defender Antivirus. This is very useful, because there are certain types of malware that do not contain the keylogger, but rather What they do is try to download it from the Internet once they have managed to infect the computer and have been able to go unnoticed.

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