“This is not communism; it is pure Gospel”: Pope Francis wants the rich to pay more taxes – World

“The poor cannot wait” and “until the problems of the poor are solved, the problems of the world will not be solved”, warns Pope Francis. The Holy Father argues that more taxes on millionaires are needed, so that the money can be distributed “to the poor and the middle class”. He knows, however, that this is a “difficult” desire.

“If this very small percentage of billionaires who have the majority of the wealth on the planet were encouraged to share it, not as charity, but fraternally, how good it would be. And how fair it would be for everyone,” he said at a meeting in the Vatican. He also said, critically, that “the struggle to have more and more money is not a creative force, but rather an unhealthy attitude and a path to perdition.”

And he believes that “this irresponsible, immoral and irrational behavior is destroying creation and dividing peoples.” “Let us not fail to denounce it. This is not communism; it is pure Gospel. It is not the Pope; it is Jesus,” he stated. Francis also said that “great fortunes often have little to do with merit,” criticizing the exploitation of natural resources and financial speculation. “Unfortunately, it is often the richest who oppose social justice,” he laments.


Only 3% of the wealth is in the hands of 50% of the population. The richest 0.5% control almost 30% of the world’s wealth.3.6 billion
The Portuguese State would receive 3.6 billion euros if it taxed the richest, according to the Tax Justice Network, which advocates taxes on the rich.42 mil
A tax on the wealthiest Portuguese would affect around 42,000 taxpayers. The government has not ruled out this possibility.

Source: www.cmjornal.pt