“This is not true”

The competition show “The Traitors” had its debut season last year. Now TV4 is back with a new season where 20 celebrities and experts are pitted against each other as they try to find out who is the traitor in the room.

The rules are simple: the participants must reveal who is the traitor and vote him out. And the traitor must hide his identity and at the same time “murder” the participants, who are then allowed to leave the program.

In each episode, the participants gather around a large round table to vote out who they think is a traitor.

Carl Déman is confronted

On Friday evening, the first episode of “The Traitors” premiered on TV4. The premiere kicks off with the opera singer Marianne Eklöf Törnblomthe artist Marie Serneholtthe forensic scientist Kelda Stagg and the lawyer Thomas Bodstrom designated as a traitor.

Their first task is to murder a participant and they then choose to send home the former Green Party mouthpiece Maria Wetterstrandas she is considered a major threat.

Then when it is time for the participants to gather to vote out the one they suspect is a traitor, eyes are directed directly at Carl Deman who is known from the comedy group JLC.

One of those who strongly criticizes Déman is the comedian Filip Dikmen.

– I have known you the longest of all in here and I know very well that you have been deviant in many aspects, this is one of them, says Dikmen in the program and continues:

– You are manipulative.

One person is to be voted out in “The Traitors”. Photo: Screenshot/TV4

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Filip Dikmen in shock

After the discussion, the participants move on to vote on who they think is a traitor. The vote is open and all participants write the name of the suspect and also explain why.

The majority of votes go to Carl Déman and several participants explain that it is based on the criticism directed by Filip Dikmen.

When Carl reveals that he is not a traitor, Filip Dikmen is the first to drop his jaw.

– I’m his close friend in the house, legit, so what the fuck, I hit him the hardest of all, says Filip.

Filip Dikmen voted out Carl Déman in Förrädarna. Photo: Screenshot/TV4

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“It’s kind of a copy of Lucas”

Even Carl Déman himself is shocked by the abrupt end of the program.

– This is not true, it’s kind of a copy of Lucas. What a fiasco, says Carl in unison.

He then refers to his colleague Lucas Simonsson attended last year and was jumped on early in the program and voted out. Even his followers on Instagram have pointed out that the colleagues met the same fate.

Here are some comments:

“Oh no, repeat of the disappointment! Damn, how sad, believed in you. Don’t understand the logic of why you were suspected, just like last year against Lucas. Damn”

“Wonder if Jonas will be with next season”

“No, I was so sad! But it was nice that you stood up for Lucas”

“JLC probably shouldn’t be in the Traitors”

Many have reacted to both JLC members Carl and Lucas leaving “The Traitors” early. Photo: Screenshot/Instagram/Carldeman


Lucas Simonsson jumped on by the participants in The Traitors: “Starting to cry”

Pernilla Wahlgren mocks the Traitors – laughs at the TV4 hit

Source: nyheter24.se