This is what the future face of industrial France could look like

Where will the new factories be located in France? “Industry will no longer be able to choose its territory as before,” points out Bpifrance Le Lab in its latest study. By combining 31 criteria, the researchers from the public bank identified the regions with the greatest potential for industrial development.

Land availability, presence of an ecosystem and a local industrial culture, availability of labor, but also risk of water stress and natural disasters, the territories considered most suitable for hosting factories are rather in the north and north-east of France, where significant wasteland remains, while industry has tended in recent decades to invest in the west and south-west.

«CIt is not because an area has little land that it will not attract projects.“, qualifies Élise Tissier, the director of the Lab. The availability of land, skills and infrastructure are among the criteria most considered by manufacturers for their next location. Even if social acceptability and environmental considerations come at the end of the list, more importance should be given to them, believes Bpifrance Le Lab, which fears that “the new map of industrial France will be inconsistent with that of water resources in ten to twenty years.”
