this little-known method to get through without paying

Toll barriers sometimes allow you to pass through without paying immediately, provided you pay back later. Here’s how it works.

Summer vacation is finally here. Like many motorists, you are probably getting ready to hit the road to enjoy a few relaxing days or weeks away from home. Like most summer vacationers, you are probably planning to take the motorway, which means paying tolls to reach your destination. With tolls increasing, you may have dreamed of going without paying, even just once. Well, you may be surprised to learn that it’s possible. However, this is not a gift.

To avoid any problems at the toll barriers, remember to use a telepayment badge by clicking on the button below:

Passing the toll without paying: a small debt

Imagine arriving at the toll booth and suddenly realizing that you have forgotten your means of payment or that you do not have enough change. It is panic. However, do not worry, there is a solution and you will not be stuck at the toll booth indefinitely. All you have to do is insert your ticket into the machine and press the call button located on the terminal. Explain your situation to the employee who will answer you. Then, a new ticket will be issued by the machine, with a file number. But what is it for? Here is the explanation.

A deferred settlement

This file number allows you to identify yourself to carry out your online payment. Once the document is generated, you have ten days to settle your debt, which can be done directly online. Be careful, because if you do not pay within this time, you will incur a fine of 90 euros. And if you exceed two months, the amount to be paid will be 374 euros. In summary, it is better not to delay and always check that you have a means of payment before leaving on your trip!
