This podiatrist will never wear these 3 types of shoes that deform the feet

After a summer of wearing flip-flops and sandals, hallux valgus sufferers have given their feet a real nightmare.

« This lateral deviation of the big toe towards the others causes a bony prominence at the joint of the area. In common parlance, it is also called “bunion”, a disorder that causes pain and discomfort », Shares Maud Falconnet, podiatrist and founder of the Poderm group.

The culprits? Genetics and bad shoes

The origins of hallux valgus are varied. This deformity can occur after wearing shoes that are too tight or have high heels for a long time. “ Certain pathologies such as arthritis or postural disorders can unbalance and promote deformation of the foot. », continues our expert.

Another risk factor is genetics. If you are part of a family predisposed to this problem, you frequently inherit it. The consequences can be very painful. In addition to the aesthetic aspect of the deformity, the bunion causes difficulty walking, calluses, posture problems and intense pain.

« In the long term, it can cause osteoarthritis in the joint concerned. », underlines Maud Falconnet.

3 types of shoes should be banned – or avoided as much as possible

Faced with this gloomy picture, the question of choosing shoes is essential, particularly in summer. “Pointed toe shoes, high heels and sandals without solid support should absolutely be avoided », advises the podiatrist. The essential criterion for choosing the right shoes remains width. It must be sufficient not to compress the foot. The sole must be flexible, and the heel not too high (4 to 5 cm maximum for women and 2 for men).

« We must favor wide and comfortable models », summarizes the expert. Note that on the aesthetic side, brands have made a lot of progress. A few years ago, the market offered few models. Today, many quality brands know how to combine comfort and aesthetics.

Use plantar orthoses to promote correction

Finally, you should know that to relieve hallux valgus, several solutions exist, apart from wearing suitable shoes. Rehabilitation or the use of foot orthotics often reduces suffering.

Making a custom insole by a podiatrist helps correct foot posture and distribute pressure. Certain protections sold commercially can also provide effective assistance. Finally, certain foot muscle strengthening and stretching exercises have the advantage of complementing all other measures. Only severe cases with disabling and intense pain require surgical intervention.

In summary

-Maud Falconnet, podiatrist, explains that hallux valgus, or bunion, is a lateral deviation of the big toe causing pain and discomfort.

-Causes include prolonged wearing of narrow or high-heeled shoes, conditions such as arthritis, and genetics.

-To avoid pain, choose wide, comfortable shoes, and consider foot orthotics or strengthening exercises.

Thanks to Maud Falconnet, podiatrist and founder of the Poderm group


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