This smart mask will improve your sleep. It has a feature that will surprise you

  • Aura Smart Sleep Mask is a smart sleep mask
  • You connect it to the app on your mobile phone, unfortunately many functions require a subscription
  • The mask does not lack built-in speakers and sensors, and it also has one super function

Using the example of an intelligent toilet seat, we showed on Sunday how technology can make practically any activity in our lives more pleasant. Sleep is no exception, and in addition to the fact that many manufacturers are involved in the field of sleeping headphones, there are also more sophisticated products such as Aura Smart Sleep Mask.

Aura Smart Sleep Mask, as the name suggests, is smart sleep mask. Leaving aside the fact that it’s trying to improve the overall quality of sleep, the genius gentle wake-up feature beckons. There is an integrated light strip in the eye area, the function of which is to imitate natural sunlight. They try gradually evoke a sense of exitwhich should be far more comfortable than using alarm clocks.

“It’s a comparable experience to using a separate wake-up light and a really effective and very gentle way to wake up: much more convenient than a phone alarm,” describes the function of journalist Matt Evans of the server TechRadar. He also praised light and surprisingly comfortable design.

The Aura Smart Sleep Mask blocks almost all ambient light and is designed to perform this task even when the wearer is lying on their side. Thanks integrated speakers before going to bed, you can play not only abstract sounds, imitating rain or a forest environment, but also music from Spotify or audiobooks. You can use a mask pair with a smartphone via Bluetoothwhile the manufacturer’s official application will be used to control it. Thanks to yours sensors then the mask can mute the music once you fall asleep.

Aura Smart Sleep Mask

However, Evans presents the price as the main disadvantage of the mask 229 dollars (about 5,100 CZK in conversion). In addition, the application locks many functions behind the payment gateway, while the subscription costs an additional 60 dollars (CZK 1,300) per year.

Would you be willing to buy a smart sleep mask?

Resources: Aura, TechRadar
