this study shatters stereotypes about French players

You have it in your head that video game enthusiasts are lazy people who don’t move from their sofas or office chairsdo not have no social interaction et do not do any cultural outings or physical activities ? So you’ve got your finger in the eye! A recent study has just atomized all these clichés about gamers.

An annual report that shatters all stereotypes

Is your passion for video games? So it’s a safe bet thatduring a family meal you have among all the clichés that circulate around gamers …If gamers have the reputation of being young boys who spend their lives with their eyes glued to a screen with their fingers on a keyboard or a controller in their handknow that a study which has just been published brushes aside all these crude clichés.

Indeed, like every year, SELL, the Union of Leisure Software Publishers, comes dismantle all preconceived ideas about video game fans. Enough to tell grandpa or uncle that they are wrong at the next Sunday meal.

a gamer with his back in front of his screen

Gamers are more cultured and sporty than the average French person

So, in its annual barometerthe SELL reveals that 38.3 million French people have played a video game at least once during the year 2023. This represents 70% of the population. Among them, there are 52% of French people who say they play a game at least once a week without knowing if it is a game on PC, console or mobile.

But that’s not all! The report twists many clichés. If you imagine that a gamer is a young teenager who stays locked in his room all day, you are completely missing the point. And for good reason: the average age of French people who say they play video games is 39 years old (compared to 40 years last year). In the details of the age groups, we obtain:

  • 84% are adults (between 18 years and over)
  • 16% are children (10 to 17 years old)
  • 43% are over 65 years old (i.e. 4.7 million French people)

A man and a woman play video games

Finally, on the sex side, we can speak of almost perfect parity because 49% of video game enthusiasts are women like last year.

Other stereotypes about gamers include that they don’t spend their lives glued to a screen. The study reveals that 71% of gamers read more than average (compared to 66% for all French people) and 76% of them do more sport every month (compared to 70% for the national average). Note that video game fans go more often to the cinema, theater, concerts and museums. And finally, one in two children would find friends through video games.
