This town’s ingenious solution to reduce speed in its streets

In Plaudren, in Morbihan, a local initiative is effectively reducing speeding. And it’s quite effective!

Speeding is a real problem on the roads. It is not a question of small overtakings, often caused by a moment of inattention, which will soon no longer be penalized by a point withdrawal. It is the significant excesses which pose a problem, because they endanger the driver and others road users. These offenses are particularly common, especially since the end of the first confinement, as noted by Road Safety. Although radars help to combat this problem, they are not yet sufficient.

A simple approach

So how can we tackle serious speeding in a small town without the resources to install a speed camera? The mayor of Plaudren, in the Morbihanfound an answer. He first imposed a speed limit of 30 km/h throughout the city, no matter the street. However, this measure alone is not enough, even with signs to warn drivers. The municipality therefore imagined another clever strategy.

New measures

According to Jean-Marc Denis, town planning assistant, “nearly a quarter of the vehicles circulating in the town commit speed violations”. To remedy this problem, the town hall chose to modify all the intersections in the city by transforming them into right prioritywhich forces drivers to reduce their speed. It remains to be seen whether this solution will be effective in the long term or whether further action will be necessary!
