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Kurt Brusgård Poulsen, director at Flemløse Biogas, tells Fagbladet 3F that those killed in an accident at the biogas plant on Tuesday were not employees of the company.
They were employed by one or more foreign companies, he tells Fagbladet 3F. The same applies to the other six people who were injured in the accident.
“Of course we have a responsibility. But as such we have had nothing to do with it”, says Kurt Brusgård Poulsen to Fagbladet 3F and adds that he feels ‘to hell with it’.
Co-owner of Flemløse Biogas plant Jørgen Stougaard gives the same message to Ritzau.
He says that none of Flemløse Biogas’ employees were at the plant when the accident happened.
“It was after the normal four evening, and then they’re gone”.
“We have nothing to do with construction as such. We have bought a completed facility where a German company is the main contractor. They have a Belgian subcontractor to build the concrete tank,’ he says.
Two people have died and one person is still missing after the accident.
The biogas plant was being expanded with an extra tank, and in connection with that a roof had to be cast. The police suspect that the accident occurred when the roof of a silo fell down.
According to 3F, five foreign companies have registered that they are currently working on the biogas plant.
The police announced on Wednesday morning that the work at the site is expected to be lengthy. However, no estimate has been given for how long it is expected to last.
Flemløse Biogas was built in 2020.
The facility, in full operation, has the capacity to produce seven million cubic meters of gas for the natural gas grid, according to the company’s website. This corresponds to heating 3,500 detached houses or 112 million kilometers driven in passenger cars.
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