Thousands of people gather in Madrid to demand general elections

Thousands of people, 25.000 According to the Government Delegation, they gathered this Sunday in Madrid’s Plaza Castilla to protest against the Government of Pedro Sánchez and demand general elections.

The rally called by the Platform for Constitutional Spain, made up of a hundred civic associations, has had the participation of dozens of politicians from parties such as the Popular Party and Vox, as well as some members of ‘The Party is over’, such as This is the case of MEP Alvise Pérez.

shouting “Sánchez resigns” or “It is not a party, it is a mafia” and carrying flags of Spain, as well as the European Union or the Cross of Burgundy, thousands of people have gathered under the motto ‘For unity, dignity, law and freedom. General elections now!’

The general secretary of the PP of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano, attended on behalf of the popular parties; the deputy secretary and deputy of the PP for Madrid in the Congress of Deputies, Noelia Núñez; the spokesperson in the Senate, Alicia García, and the deputy secretary of Organization of the PP, Carmen Fúnez, who has justified in “personal reasons” the absence of the PP leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, from the rally.

Likewise, in statements to the press, Fúnez has denounced that ““There has never been a moment in democracy so delicate.” like the current one and has assured that citizens are “tired” of the “lies”, the “lack of cleanliness” and the “corruption” of the Sánchez Government.

In his opinion, the accusation of the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, whom he has designated as “Minister 23”, represents “a before and after”, For this reason, he has once again asked for his resignation and for him not to lend himself to the “strategy of entrenchment that Pedro Sánchez has in the Moncloa Palace.”

MEP Alvise Pérez (c), during the demonstration called by the Platform for Constitutional Spain to call for electionsEFE

For his part, the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, who has also attended the call, has demanded the resignation “in full” of the Government and has trusted that the PP will make a “purpose of amendment” of its pacts with the PSOE and renounce any “collaborationism” with Pedro Sánchez.

“This Government has to go home and give the Spanish people a voice,” said Abascal, despite warning that “It’s going to be very difficult for him to fall,” since, in his opinion, Sánchez “needs power at any price” and “He is willing to use any tool at his disposal.

During the event, one of the figures who spoke was the former prosecutor of the National Court Ignacio Gordillo, who assured that he is ““a very sad day” for those who have applied justice “to the murderous terrorists,” but, above all, “for the victims of terrorism”, in reference to the recently approved law that benefits ETA prisoners.

View of the demonstration called by the Platform for Constitutional Spain to call for elections now “for unity, dignity, law and freedom”efe

The protest was also attended by the general secretary of the PP of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano, for whom the current situation of the Government is “absolutely unsustainable”lacking “direction” and dedicated exclusively to “attacking” any type of “dissidence.”

But he has warned Sánchez that, no matter how much he tries to attack the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, “Nothing is going to cover up all the corruption that mires the PSOE, the Government and the President of the Government.”
