Three dismissals in two days: “Managing a hospital is a technical function, it does not have to have a political dimension”

In two days, the boards of directors of the Local Health Units (ULS) of Lezíria, Alto Alentejo and Leiria were fired. The executive board justifies the “changes” with “new management approaches”, but which were not understood by everyone, especially as they were made during the winter period and during the festive season, which historically imposes more challenges on hospital management.

Xavier Barreto, president of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators, says that “it is not ideal for the change to have been made at this time” and says he finds “no justification” for the dismissals.

Remember, however, that changes in hospital administrations with changes in political color are not new. And regret it. “Managing a hospital is a technical function, it does not have to have a political dimension”.

He also remembers that “many administrations are about to complete a year in office”. And after this first year in office, “the government will have to pay compensation to make changes to administrations”.
