Three districts of St. Petersburg whose residents are not afraid of the flu have been named

They have the lowest vaccination rates.

The number of St. Petersburg residents who received flu vaccinations exceeded 2 million people.

As reported by the press service of the St. Petersburg department of Rospotrebnadzor, as of October 24, a total of 2 million 63 thousand 716 residents were vaccinated, including more than 541 thousand children. The total number of city residents who protected themselves from the flu reached 36.85% of the population coverage.

Residents of three districts of St. Petersburg: Central, Kirov and Nevsky are least interested in flu vaccinations. In the first, only 30.66% of people were vaccinated, in the second – 29% of the total number of residents, and in the third – 28.85%.

Meanwhile, experts call the current period the most favorable for the timely production of protective antibodies and the formation of lasting immunity to the influenza virus.

It was previously reported that during the New Year holidays, Russia will experience a peak in the incidence of influenza. And doctors gave useful tips that will help protect against colds in the fall.

Read also:

During the New Year holidays, Russia will experience a peak in influenza incidenceAlmost a third of St. Petersburg residents have received flu vaccinationsResidents of three districts of St. Petersburg rushed to get vaccinated against the fluResidents of three districts of St. Petersburg rushed to get vaccinated against the fluAn immunologist commented on the sharp increase in cases of influenza and ARVI in RussiaSchools were closed for quarantine in 7 regions of the Russian Federation due to a surge in ARVI and influenzaSt. Petersburg residents were explained who definitely needs a flu shot

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