Three large hospitals in Bucharest were left without electricity. “Critical areas run on generators”

Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 3:22 p.m

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Doctors during an operation PHOTO:

Three large hospitals in the Capital remained without electricity. The Fundeni Clinical Institute, the Oncological Institute and the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases “Prof. Dr. CC Iliescu” in Bucharest were seriously affected by a power outage.

UPDATE 15:22: The power outage at the Fundeni Clinical Institute has been fixed. The manager of the Fundeni Institute stated for AGERPRES that ENEL announced the resolution of the situation.

Original news:

Critical areas in medical facilities operate with the help of generators, accordingly

“At the CC Iliescu Institute, the situation is currently under control, and all patients who need it benefit from medical care, including surgical interventions.

Patients are safe. No patient was left unoperated or untreated. Unfortunately, there are times when the power goes out. Enel promised that the problem will be completely fixed in a few hours, during today’s day”, informed the spokesperson of the institution Dr. Şerban Bubenek.

Also, a difficult situation exists at the Fundeni Clinical Institute.

“Critical areas run on generators,” said manager Anca Coliţă.

The supplying company is “fixing the problem”, says the manager from the Fundeni Clinical Institute.

According to some medical sources, the biggest fear of medical professionals is that the equipment can be damaged due to power outages.

The Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, declared on Monday, July 15, after the Ministerial Committee for the Energy Sector, convened in the context of the heat wave, that there is no risk to the balance of the national energy system, or the risk of generalized breakdowns, over large areas, but only certain problems strictly local, writes

1 It’s a sensitive subject. Why? Because in another era, Romanians were restricted from these rights that you should have in a civilized country. You should have the right to turn on your light, put on the washing machine when you want. It is true, from the perspective of the National Energy System, if a Romanian wants to do good, he should not turn on the washing machine or dishwasher or other consumers during this evening peak, i.e. between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.: 00. He could do this”, said the Minister of Energy, quoted by Agerpres.

Almost the whole country is under a red heat wave, with temperatures reaching 42 degrees during the day, and the nights will be tropical.
